Editor’s Notebook 31

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!

PS, I’m chugging along on the content for my upcoming time management program, Startup In 60. If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll see more behind-the-scenes photos like this one:

What I’m Loving This Week

How To Stay Motivated When You’re Not In The Mood To Do Anything. I’m just like you, and I have my weeks when it feels like nothing’s getting done, even when I’m working on projects I love. This was one of those weeks, and this article helped.

16 Punctuation Mistakes That Make You Look Kinda Stupid. This funny post takes me back to my former book editor days.

20 Mini Money Hacks To Save You A Lot. Every little bit counts! Here are my tips for you.

The Ultimate Manifestation Toolkit: 10 Must-Haves To Attract Abundance. It made me smile to see myself at the top of the list! OK, so it’s really “burning sage,” but you should still check out these awesome tools to help you attract what you desire.

17 Reasons Why You Never Accomplish Anything At Work. #10 gets me every time.

10 Things People With Abundance Do Differently. Love it! Abundance is everywhere.

7 Ways to Cure Indecisiveness Once and for All. Really great advice so you can stop stalling and start making progress. And you can always flip a coin.

5 Powerful Rules for Women Entrepreneurs to Live By. My fave tip? “Embrace your crazy!”

23 Random Things That’ll Make You Instantly Happy. Beautiful nuggets of happiness.

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