Editor’s Notebook 251

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!
What I’m Loving This Week
How to Start Reading Fiction (When You Only Read Nonfiction). This is me all the way.
I was Gen X, now on paper I’m a Millennial. Ageism is real when it comes to hiring practices.
AI movie posters. These AI generated images are creepy and intriguing.
How To Overcome Apathy And Burnout At Work. A good reminder to set boundaries and get more self-care.
‘Check on your ‘strong’ friend, she’s faking it.’ So many people are struggling right now, even the ones you think have it all together.
20 Books Every Entrepreneur Should Read. Adding these to my TBR list.
Here’s Why You Should Schedule Your Next Mental Health Day Now. Don’t wait until you’re already burned out!
This Habit Can Scientifically Help With Procrastination. A little progress, no matter how small, may inspire you to do more.
4 Ways to Avoid Toxic Positivity. It’s OK to feel your emotions.
6 Ways to Transform Your Relationship With Your To-Do List. Shake up your routine and you may get even more stuff done.
16 Staycation Ideas for a Great Getaway Close to Home. I love these ideas! These are great for those of us who want to travel but also stay cautious.

The Editor’s Toolkit
- Free Workshop: 3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar
- 25+ Printable Worksheets
- 6 Life Editing Ebooks
- My Favorite Books and Resources