Editor’s Notebook 185

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!
What I’m Loving This Week
5 Ways to Spot Emotional Immaturity. Are you dealing with an adult baby?
I’ve Made More Than $300K From Writing — Here Are 8 Honest Lessons That Weren’t Obvious. Great tips for doing what you love.
5 Signs You and Your Day Job Aren’t Meant to Be. I have a feeling some of you need to hear this today. I can remember my body shutting down when I had a terrible day job about 15 years ago. Don’t ignore the signs!
You at Your Most Chaotic, According to Your Sign. Uh, this was a little too accurate for me. Note to self: act more like Oprah and less like a cartoon villain.
A five-minute activity to discover your most important tasks. Cut out the fluff and focus on your REAL priorities. Great way to de-stress and reclaim your time.
50+ Beautiful Bujo Spread Ideas to Track Your Reading. Creative inspiration!
Working From Home? Here’s How to Take Care as You Do It. Don’t wear your pajamas!
3 Sleep Rituals That Will Help You Sleep Like a Baby Tonight. We’re all feeling anxious lately, so try these tips for getting more restful sleep.
Why Personal Goals and Hobbies Are Essential For A Fulfilling Career. Remember to have a life outside your job.
Top Things You Don’t Know About Disney & the 1964 New York World’s Fair. Currently, all Disney theme parks are closed worldwide, but here’s a nostalgic video of how these attractions began.
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