Editor’s Notebook 140
The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!
What I’m Loving This Week
This New Year’s Resolution Hack Is a Game Changer (if You Hate Making a 365-Day Commitment). Personally, I love new year’s resolutions, but choosing a theme or a word for the year (or month) works well too. That’s what we’re doing in the Edit Everything Challenge. Come join us!
12 Super-Achievable Ways to Unplug More This Year. Less screen time, more real time.
A Little Happier: We’ve Had Our Dog Barnaby Always. In this mini podcast, author Gretchen Rubin describes a feeling that I’ve had quite often, that there was never a time without our dog.
Two dying memoirists wrote bestsellers about their final days. Then their spouses fell in love. So sad, and so beautiful.
Say what you mean to say. You never know how long you’ve got, so say the big things to your loved ones.
10 Positive Habits That Will Immediately Make Life Better. Tiny edits, tiny edits.
Why Our Obsession With Happiness Is Making Us Unhappy. Be ambitious, but also be social.
You Make Or Break Your Life Between 5-7 AM. Yes! It’s my favorite (and most productive) time of day.
9 Reliable Ways to Cultivate Creative Thinking. Stretch out of your comfort zone.
5 Unconventional Ways to Read More in 2018. Track your progress and make it a habit.
12 Things You Should Get Rid of NOW. You’ll feel more motivated when you delete the clutter in your life.
New Blog Posts
- How to Stop Complaining and Start Feeling Grateful!
- Want a Free Ticket to Life Editor Weekend?
- 7 Reasons Why You Fall Asleep at Your Desk
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