A Message From Your Future Self | Do the Work TODAY!

Like millions of other people all around the world, I’ve been listening to Taylor Swift’s new album Midnights on repeat for weeks.
You gotta love how she weaves her words into beautiful stories of heartbreak, empowerment, and truth.
One of my favorite truth bombs on the album is this line from “Anti-Hero”:
“It’s me. Hi! I’m the problem, it’s me.”
It’s easy to blame other things for our misfortunes (My boss hates me! The weather stinks! Everyone is against me!), but on further inspection, much of our unhappiness comes from our own choices.
What mistakes are you making that you’re not admitting to?
How are you playing small, procrastinating, or letting your fears run your life?
It’s hard to suck it up and do the hard work we’ve been avoiding, but your future self will thank you. It’s the only way you’ll reach your goals.
Watch this video to learn why you should take action TODAY to get what you want in the future.
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