7 Doable Happiness Resolutions From Gretchen Rubin

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting one of my idols, author Gretchen Rubin. Her popular books The Happiness Project and Happier at Home are required readings for my clients.

Click here for my book review for Happier at Home and learn why I hate book jackets.

Gretchen was at Books, Inc. in San Francisco to discuss personal happiness and give a preview of her upcoming book Before and After, which is all about habits. I’m craaaaazy excited about this new one.

As soon as I got to the bookstore, I headed for the bathroom ‘cause that’s what you do when you know you won’t want to get out of your seat during a presentation for any reason.

The restroom was in the attached coffee shop, and while I waited in line (because there’s always a line), I saw Gretchen sitting at one of the tables being interviewed by a reporter!

I probably gaped at her like an idiot before I composed myself and tried to play it cool. But she was RIGHT THERE! Gaaah!!!

Anyhoo, I nabbed a seat dead center in the front row so I could bask in her positivity. Her YouTube videos are fantastic, as is her thought-provoking blog that started it all.

Gretchen was as funny, personable, and…well, happy as you’d expect her to be. She’s totally someone I’d invite to a dinner party or pal around with at a museum. You know, she’s like that brainy but down-to-earth friend I’ve always wanted.

[lasso ref=”the-happiness-project” id=”21063″ link_id=”31982″]

Her presentation was especially timely for January, and she explained that our new year’s resolutions don’t have to be complicated. And in fact, we’re probably more likely to keep our resolutions if we think smaller and more manageable.

So how are your resolutions coming along? Need a little boost to get you moving again?

Here are 7 doable happiness resolutions from Gretchen Rubin.

  1. Get 8 hours of sleep. Of course, I love this.
  2. Get some exercise. No excuses.
  3. Cultivate good smells. Can you guess my favorite smell?
  4. Make your bed. Don’t forget to keep your bedroom sacred.
  5. Abandon a project. Or abandon old ways of thinking.
  6. Make holiday breakfasts. I love putting in the effort to celebrate holidays. I even invent my own holidays!
  7. Practice warm greetings and farewells. And while you’re at it, give a compliment.

Easy peasy. Who said happiness had to be difficult?

I got to talk with Gretchen for a few minutes after her presentation, and she said how happy she was to see “a smiling face right up front.” As a speaker myself, I know how important it is to see the audience really engaging with you when you pour your heart out on stage.

It was a magical night, and I’m still feeling the happiness glow.

3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar

Dump your excuses, transform your habits, and become the most productive person you know.


  1. The Peace Patch on February 3, 2014 at 2:28 pm

    I’m all for holiday breakfasts but I believe in making up holidays too so yay…more homemade breakfasts! 🙂

  2. Michaela on January 31, 2014 at 3:54 am

    Just popped by to wish you a great weekend!

    • Sage Grayson on January 31, 2014 at 9:49 am

      Hey Michaela! Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  3. Ashley Urke | Domestic Fashionista on January 30, 2014 at 3:45 pm

    How great that you got to meet her! I have Happier at Home on the book shelf on my to read list…since I take forever to get through books! But looking forward to it! I can just see you smiling in the front row! Too cute!

    • Sage Grayson on January 31, 2014 at 9:51 am

      I know, I take forever to finish books too. But I’m sure you’ll love Happier at Home once you get started. 🙂

  4. Susannah on January 30, 2014 at 10:14 am

    I love these tips! I’m going to have to start implementing the ones I don’t already… Like making my bed. 😉

    • Sage Grayson on January 31, 2014 at 9:50 am

      It’s such a little thing, but making your bed kind of sets the tone for your whole day. And just think how nice it will be to crawl into a perfectly made bed that night.

  5. Sarah @ Long Island Nerd on January 29, 2014 at 5:15 am

    I’m so excited for you that you got to see and meet Gretchen! It sounds like a truly amazing experience from start to finish! And how nice of her to acknowledge that she saw you smiling in the front row. That must have been a special moment 🙂

    I love these Happiness Resolutions! I think they are all great but I especially love numbers 1, 6 and 7. Sleep is so important and the warm greetings and farewells are a great way to bookend a conversation, meeting, etc. My love of breakfast would definitely lead me to love number 6 too. If I had it my way holiday meals would always be brunch because it’s just my favorite and I think it would be fun to celebrate in PJs 🙂 I don’t think anyone else would like that though, ha!

    • Sage Grayson on January 29, 2014 at 2:02 pm

      It was the coolest thing EVAH!!! I love how her resolutions are so simple, but that’s what makes them doable. Holiday meals are the best, and we try to make them special too (in PJs of course).

  6. Molly on January 28, 2014 at 2:50 pm

    That’s awesome that you got to meet Gretchen! I know how much you love her books and can just imagine how excited you were.

    The resolutions are really great. I especially love #7. 🙂

    • Sage Grayson on January 29, 2014 at 2:03 pm

      She’s just as sweet and wonderful as you’d expect her to be. I recommend her books to everyone.

  7. Jennifer Kennedy on January 28, 2014 at 8:59 am

    Woohoo! So glad you had a wonderful time!

    I love resolutions #1 and #2. Exercise is big for me. My boyfriend and I try to go for a walk every morning. It gets us talking and the blood pumping. It’s always great to go in the morning because there are less people and cars around — very calming.

    This year, I’d also like to give more unexpected gifts to people whether that is to say thank you, or as a souvenir from a recent trip, or appreciation for helping! Being thoughtful and making other people smile makes me happy. I just tend not to think about it too often. This year, I’d like to make it a priority!

    • Sage Grayson on January 29, 2014 at 2:04 pm

      Unexpected gifts is a good one! The best resolutions are the simplest ones because then you actually do them.