Wheel of TBR January 2023 | Life Editor Reading Challenge

It’s a new year, and we all have new goals.
One of my goals for 2023 is to make a major dent in my TBR list. A TBR list is a “Too Be Read” list, as they say in the book community on social media.
I read 74 books in 2022, and that’s a little lower than normal for me. For 2023, my goal is to stretch myself just a bit and read 100 books before the end of the year. That’s about 8.3 books a month.
Wanna join the fun? I’ve got a free printable worksheet to make it easy peasy.
Watch today’s video to learn how to tackle your TBR with the Life Editor Reading Challenge.

The Editor’s Toolkit
- Free Workshop: 3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar
- 25+ Printable Worksheets
- 6 Life Editing Ebooks
- My Favorite Books and Resources