Simple Ways to Clear Your Mind of Negative Thoughts

Many people look back on their lives and cringe at the things they said or did. Maybe you too? We all make mistakes and do things that cause us unhappiness, stress, and guilt. But wallowing in those self-criticisms won’t improve your life going forward. Here are some simple ways to clear your mind of negative…

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5 Great Reasons to Start Your Own Business From Home

Starting a business from scratch can be daunting and overwhelming. You might not know where to begin or even have the self-confidence, self-love, or belief that you can achieve great things. Countless other women feel the same way you do (I would know, I’ve worked with thousands!). It’s helpful to have someone on your side…

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Editor’s Notebook 232

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week Turn Ordinary Moments into Memorable Ones with the ‘Last Time’ Exercise. A great strategy for appreciating the mundane parts of life. How Meditation Improves Writing Skills.…

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Life Editor’s Picks: Home Office Indulgences

Just because most of us are working from home, doesn’t mean our workspaces need to look like dorm rooms. It’s so easy to just dump papers wherever, park yourself on the couch, or use an old Amazon box as a desk. You’re alone, so who cares, right? No way, Life Editor! You deserve a proper…

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Why I’m Not a Certified Life Coach | My Controversial Decision

The best decision I ever made for my business was also my most controversial one. What? Me, controversial? While I might seem like a mild-mannered Life Editor who spends her days coaching clients, reading productivity books, and submitting to the whims of my perfect dog Skyla, in actuality, my very first choice as a life coach…

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