Total Value List | An Easy Way to Prove You’re Better Than Your Competitors

Here’s a good reminder to never compare yourself to other people’s businesses. Recently in my Goodbye 9-to-5 program, one of the members was struggling with pricing her new group program as a high-ticket, premium offering. She was getting confused and frustrated because a “big shot” leader in her field just released a similar product for the…

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My 3-Hour Work Day Routine (You Can Do This Too!)

I remember the first time I realized my work day is a lot shorter than most people. A few years ago during one of my in-person retreats, my clients were struggling with finding the time in their schedules to work on their goals. That last one made me pause. “Wait, how many hours a day…

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3 Ways to Earn $5000 This Month

The average full-time income in the United States is $60,000 per year or about $5000 per month. Obviously, that number is higher or lower depending on your exact location. But no matter where you call home, an extra full-time income would dramatically change your life. My Goodbye 9-to-5 program includes all the best business strategies to…

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“That Won’t Work for Me.” Life Coach Edition

Today, we’re continuing my series “That Won’t Work for Me” focusing on different types of business owners and how my new program Goodbye 9-to-5 can help them earn a full-time income. Next up, life coaches! My client “Annie” was a talented life coach. Still is, actually. She has a beautiful way of breaking down complex concepts into easily digestible…

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How to Earn 6 Figures With a Tiny List

One of my favorite clients sells a gorgeously designed, super helpful $10 ebook on her website. But like most entrepreneurs, she doesn’t get much traffic to her site, and her email subscriber list is just over a hundred people. So, to reach her goal of earning a full-time income with her business, she’d need to sell more…

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