Laptop Lifestyle Giveaway | Plus Coaching Freebies!

Today, I want to introduce you to someone very special to me.  Guess who? It’s my laptop! I’d be completely lost without my laptop, and I’m incredibly thankful for how it allows me to work when I want to and where I want to. If you’re ready to take the leap and have more freedom with…

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Do you know my clients’ favorite place to hang out? Is it Facebook? TikTok? YouTube? Maybe Starbucks or Michaels or Target? Nah, my clients may love all those online and in-person locations, but there’s one place they spend oodles of time whether they’re conscious of it or not . . .  THEIR COMFORT ZONE! Maybe…

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How to Quit Your Day Job With My Proven System | Goodbye 9-to-5 Trailer

I’ve been keeping myself busy recently by updating the entire onboarding process for my mastermind group, Goodbye 9-to-5. Now you can schedule a free Discovery Call with me to share your current situation and see if you’re a good fit for the group. It’s streamlined and quick so we don’t waste each other’s time. I’m really…

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The Real Reason to Be Your Own Boss

When it comes down to it, the real reason I’m my own boss is because of salad. Let me explain . . .  Back in 2010, I was a book editor working in an enormous skyscraper in downtown Chicago. I wore a suit every day, strutted around in high heels, and felt oh-so-business-y and professional.…

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Top 5 Reasons to Quit Your Job

I loved many things about my old corporate job as a medical textbook editor. Using my degree, feeling like my work was making a difference, traveling to conferences. And yet, there’s a lot NOT to like about working for another company, which is why I’ve been my own boss for more than 11 years now. It’s…

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A Message From Your Future Self

In the past week, I’ve had Discovery Calls with 2 different public school teachers who both have the same problem. They don’t want to be teaching anymore. It’s not the kids, but the administration, lack of freedom, and poor pay. And now that the school year has begun, these teachers feel stuck and hopeless about their futures.…

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