Posts Tagged ‘choices’
Why You Should Never Have a Plan B
Imagine your dream life . . . Feeling good about yourself, surrounded by supportive friends, earning money for doing what you love. Pretty amazing, right? But why do so many of us have a “backup” choice in case we don’t reach our goals and get what we really want? When I work with a coaching…
Read MoreWhy You Should Be the Breadwinner In Your Family
One of the best parts of running your own business is that you don’t have to follow the old rules. You chose your products. You choose your work hours. And most importantly, you choose your prices. I was beyond happy to throw off the shackles from my old corporate career. No more begging for raises.…
Read MoreYou Asked for It! Multi-Payment Plans Now Available for Goodbye 9-to5
What a delightful way to start my Monday by seeing that there are now more than 6000 subscribers to my YouTube channel! THANK YOU for subscribing! I have tons of fun making my videos, and it’s wonderful to see that my content is connecting with all of you. Please let me know if you have suggestions for…
Read MoreEditor’s Notebook 272
The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week Book I’m currently reading: Step into spooky season with short and sweet ghost stories. How To Stay Motivated – The Locus Rule. Here’s how to really…
Read MoreDid Someone Order a Fresh Start? Why Mondays Are Awesome
Mondays have always been my favorite day of the week. There’s nothing like a fresh start, a bright beginning, or as my kindred spirit Anne of Green Gables says, “a new day with no mistakes in it . . . yet.” I was born on a Monday (back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth), so maybe that’s…
Read MoreA Message From Your Future Self
In the past week, I’ve had Discovery Calls with 2 different public school teachers who both have the same problem. They don’t want to be teaching anymore. It’s not the kids, but the administration, lack of freedom, and poor pay. And now that the school year has begun, these teachers feel stuck and hopeless about their futures.…
Read MoreEverything Will Be Different 12 Weeks From Now
Years ago, I discovered the real secret to reaching your goals quickly and easily, and it’s transformed my life and business. Is it throwing money at the problem? Is it hiring someone else to do the work for you? Is it choosing wimpy goals that take no effort to accomplish? No way! Reaching big goals…
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