Why GOOD ROUTINES Are Always Better Than Motivation

My clients often ask me how they can stay motivated to work on their goals. They’ll be excited and engaged at the beginning, but soon they start procrastinating and getting distracted. Well, I hate to break it to you, but your motivation is going to disappear at some point no matter how much you want…

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14 Easy Ways to READ MORE BOOKS in 2022

OK, I’ll admit it. I really let myself go in 2020. The worldwide health crisis aggravated my anxiety, I lost a third of my income by not hosting in-person retreats, and I spent most of the year eating pizza on the couch while watching the Lord of the Rings. But 2021 was my year to shine!…

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How to Use a Not-To-Do List to Declutter Your Life

For the longest time, I was always the “more is more” kind of gal. More attention, more clothes, more projects, more food, more fancy gadgets. More, more, more! My self-worth was tied up in how much I could achieve and how much I could do while still maintaining my sanity (sort of). So I climbed that corporate…

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10 Easy Ways to Beat Burnout and Boost Your Energy

Nine times out of ten, you know exactly what you need to do to be successful . . . so why aren’t you doing those things? After more than a decade of running my life coaching business, I’ve discovered that most of our failures are caused by the same issue: a lack of energy! When…

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Who Likes New Freebies? Check Out the Editor’s Toolkit

One of the first lessons I learned when I started my business was that you’ll always get more when you GIVE more. This strategy can seem counterintuitive to newbies. Why in the world would I suggest you give away stuff for free? Don’t we want that cha-ching? It’s simple: people love to try before they buy. That means you…

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Here’s Your Schedule for Tomorrow’s Life Editor Weekend Retreat!

The Life Editor Weekend Virtual Retreat is tomorrow, and I can’t wait to answer all your questions live on Facebook and YouTube. Attend as many of the live recordings as you can (there’s one every hour!), and you’ll be able to speak directly to me during the sessions. Date: Friday, June 11, 2021Time: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm…

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