The Life Editor Podcast Ep. 16: Find Your Power Song

Today, I want to talk about how you can use music to give yourself unwavering confidence. Music is an essential part of my everyday life, but my musical tastes are somewhat more narrow than the average person. I only listen to bright, happy songs that in some circles is referred to as “bubblegum pop.” It’s…

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The Life Editor Podcast Ep. 15: Always Carry a Notebook

Today, I want to share an organizational tactic that I’ve been using for years that helps me keep track of all the things in my life when I’m on the go. After I graduated from college…a million years ago…I started working at different publishing houses editing newsletters, textbooks, and websites. I thought I was pretty…

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The Life Editor Podcast Ep. 14: Why You Should Keep a Not-To-Do List

Today, I want to talk about prioritizing all your obligations, tasks, and projects. You probably already have a master to-do list. That’s where you keep a running list of everything that has to get done in your lifetime (such as your bucket list). And you probably also have a smaller weekly or daily to-do list…

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The Life Editor Podcast Ep. 13: Mini Habits

Today, I want to talk about good habits and why it’s so hard for us to stick to them. We discuss habits a lot around here, and it’s even Step 3 of the Life Editing Process, Add Good Habits and Routines. We get it. If we want to live happy edited lives, then we need…

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The Life Editor Podcast Ep. 12: Get Over Yourself

Today, I want to talk about what happens when we start overthinking everything in our lives. If you’re like most Life Editors, you’re a perfectionist and you want things to be done just right. But perfectionism can slow us down and make it take a million years longer to reach our goals. Allow me to…

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The Life Editor Podcast Ep. 11: Choose the Proactive Life

Today, I want to talk about being in control of your own life. Sometimes we give away our power by shifting the focus away from ourselves and blaming other people for our circumstances. But you are at least partially responsible for whatever bad luck you’re experiencing. And when you choose to take action, that’s when…

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The Life Editor Podcast Ep. 10: Simple Forgiveness Exercises

Today, I want to talk about forgiveness. This might feel like a bit of a heavier topic than normal, but it’s an important part of life editing. Much of what we’re discussing today is mentioned in my book How to Remove Toxic People From Your Life, which is part of the Editor’s Toolkit, so be…

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