How to Make a Great Impression With Your Retail Store

First impressions matter in the world of retail, no matter what kind of store you run. You must entice every potential customer into your store, encourage them to buy your products or your services, and help them learn more about your brand. A great first impression can transform your store and lead to loyal customers…

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4 Ways to Become a Better Leader Today

Whether you have a business you want to run yourself or want more out of life, learning to be a better leader is one of the best things you can spend time on. Anyone can learn to become a better leader, and there’s no such thing as someone who’s incapable of having strong leadership skills.…

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3 Ways Spiritual Teachings Can Improve Your Finances

Spirituality and religion are a part of everyday life and touch every part of your day-to-day existence, and this includes money. It might be difficult to rationalize money within your spirituality or religious beliefs. Money is something that feels so mundane and man-made, so it can be strange to pair it with the over-arching longevity…

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Sharing Kindness With Other Helps You Be Kinder to Yourself

Sharing kindness might seem like the most selfless activity you could do. It’s a choice to be kind sometimes, be that in helping someone with a favor or simply choosing to rise above a tense conversation. But kindness isn’t a totally selfless activity, and that’s not a bad thing! The kinder you are to other…

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How to Get Gen Z to Follow (and Love!) Your Brand

The Instagram generation (also known as Gen Z) is fussier about brands than any other in history. In the past, Boomer buyers and Gen X (my generation) consumers would usually accept company claims and then move on. But social media and advanced communications technology is erasing that. Now businesses have to prove themselves online as…

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11 Marketing Tactics to Grow Your Business Fast

Marketing is the only way you’ll get sales for your business, so it amazes me how many of my clients refuse to do the work. It’s understandable that putting yourself out there can be scary, especially with all the internet trolls, haters, and doubters. Who wants to subject themselves to that kind of scrutiny? But…

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My Word of the Year for 2021

Sometimes my clients get a little sick of goal setting. On our weekly video calls, I’ll watch as they start to zone out, their eyes glaze over, and they succumb to burnout and boredom. That’s when I know it’s time to switch tactics! We’ll drop the complicated project plans and habit trackers, and go back…

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