20 Content Ideas For Your Email Newsletter

Recently, I’ve been more vocal about encouraging my clients to send more emails. Before you freak out, I’m not saying you should email your list every day like I do (but hey, imagine what that would do for your bottom line!). But even going from 1 email per week to 2 emails per week will…

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Steal My 6-Figure Passive Income Plan | Get Serious About Sales Summit

When I’m working with a client, I love witnessing the magic when they flip the switch in their brain from “side hustle” to “full-time business.” There’s a profound change when you decide to stop treating your business like an expensive hobby and start actively pursuing income while nurturing your clients. Are you ready to dump your wimpy marketing…

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How to GET CLIENTS When You Don’t Feel Like an Expert

This one’s for all the life coaches! I remember when I started my coaching business more than 10 years ago and how exciting and scary it felt. I knew I had great advice and strategies to share, but I didn’t feel like an expert, especially when I compared myself to those more popular “celebrity” coaches.…

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Got a Business? Here’s Why You Need an Accountant

When you’re a business owner, you have a lot of responsibilities such as looking after your finances. You need to increase your profit while driving growth and find time to train your staff. Consider hiring an accountant to help with your business finances so you have one less thing to worry about.   Accountants are…

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5 Possible Jobs for High School and College Students

Many high school and college students want to earn extra money, and they might be ready to look for jobs. They could help out around the house, gain experience in their chosen field, or earn spending money for themselves. Here are 5 possible jobs for high school or college students who want to learn new…

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How to Get a Creative Edge Over Your Competition

Every business looks for creative ways to one-up their competition to generate more revenue, corner a higher market share, and become an industry leader.  Sometimes, the only difference between an industry leader and the second best is in the market leader’s ability to emphasize their strengths more. If this is something you’d like to replicate…

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Need a Change? How to Switch Careers Successfully

Found yourself on the wrong career path? It’s never too late to switch careers! You shouldn’t stick with a career that doesn’t bring you any joy, no matter how many years you spent studying or climbing the career ladder. A switch to a new career could make you happier and more fulfilled. Here’s how to…

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