Productivity Secret! Create Your Treats and Rewards Plan

The 12 Days of Life Editing video series is prancing onward with a winter wonderland of wisdom to enjoy. Click the links below to catch up on the series. 12 Days of Life Editing (so far!) I have a productivity secret that gives me endless energy and motivates me to stick to my 12 week plan even…

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Do you know my clients’ favorite place to hang out? Is it Facebook? TikTok? YouTube? Maybe Starbucks or Michaels or Target? Nah, my clients may love all those online and in-person locations, but there’s one place they spend oodles of time whether they’re conscious of it or not . . .  THEIR COMFORT ZONE! Maybe…

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My 3-Hour Work Day Routine (You Can Do This Too!)

I remember the first time I realized my work day is a lot shorter than most people. A few years ago during one of my in-person retreats, my clients were struggling with finding the time in their schedules to work on their goals. That last one made me pause. “Wait, how many hours a day…

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The Easy Way to Earn $5000 This Month | Small Business Strategies

Your business can feel like a hamster wheel sometimes. You’re doing your work and getting things done, but you’re not making any meaningful progress. Just spinning, spinning, spinning . . . but getting nowhere.  That’s why I love helping my clients stop wasting time on low-value products and services that won’t increase their bank accounts or give…

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13 Easy Ways to Fix a Bad Day | Make Any Bad Day a Good Day

I have a small yellow sticky note stuck to my desk drawer that says, “Every day is a good day.” This tiny affirmation reminds me that there are positive things happening all around me, but I must be mindful enough to notice them. No day is completely good, and no day is completely bad, but…

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Top 5 Excuses to Stay Stuck (Which One Is Yours?)

As a life and business coach, I hear a lot of excuses from my potential clients. Why they won’t start a business. Why they want to play small. Why they won’t raise their prices. Why they want to throw in the towel and hide under the covers forever. All those excuses have one thing in…

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