The Hard Truth You’re Not Ready to Hear | Be Worthy of Your Goals!

I like to say that my life and business coaching comes from a place of love. It may be tough love, but it’s still love.  Occasionally, I’ll be on a call with a client who’s bemoaning her fate because she’s “doing everything right” but still not making sales. But she’s not doing everything right .…

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I Survived a No Caffeine Challenge | Wheel of Mini Goals

During my recent Planning Pajama Party, I introduced the idea of mini goals. These are fun little challenges to get you to step out of your comfort zone for just 5 days. You’re editing your life without the commitment of an enormous project. These mini goals were a big hit with you Life Editors, so…

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Productivity Secret! Create Your Treats and Rewards Plan

The 12 Days of Life Editing video series is prancing onward with a winter wonderland of wisdom to enjoy. Click the links below to catch up on the series. 12 Days of Life Editing (so far!) I have a productivity secret that gives me endless energy and motivates me to stick to my 12 week plan even…

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Do you know my clients’ favorite place to hang out? Is it Facebook? TikTok? YouTube? Maybe Starbucks or Michaels or Target? Nah, my clients may love all those online and in-person locations, but there’s one place they spend oodles of time whether they’re conscious of it or not . . .  THEIR COMFORT ZONE! Maybe…

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