Posts Tagged ‘comparison’
Editor’s Notebook 306
The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week 8 Ways to Read (a Lot) More Books This Year. I read more than 120 books in 2023, but I haven’t set a reading goal for…
Read MoreProtect Your Well-Being in a Closed-Minded Society
Looking after your well-being can be difficult, and it may feel easier to give up and let whatever is going to happen, happen. Society can be extremely closed minded if you don’t look or behave a certain way. Despite what people may say, you are worth looking after! Here are some things to do to…
Read MoreLife Editor Weekend is ALL INCLUSIVE for August 2023 Retreat!
When you put yourself out there as a “public figure,” you open yourself up to all kinds of feedback and criticism. With more than 30,000 followers across social media and on my email subscriber list, it’s inevitable that I get comments from trolls and haters. Here’s some of the colorful feedback I’ve received: Yeah, sometimes…
Read MoreLevel Up With ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNERS! The Best Business Goals Strategy You’re Not Using
Today I’m calling out all the small business owners (like you!) who are avoiding using the best business goals strategy out there . . . Accountability partners! Everything in your life and business is easier when you have a trusted peer in your corner cheering you on when things get tough. So, why do many…
Read MoreWhat’s Really Stopping You From Reaching Your Goals | The Truth About Perfectionism
This has been a sad, frustrating week for me . . . If you’ve been following me on Facebook or YouTube, then you might have seen my posts about dealing with an excessive amount of hate comments recently. YouTube encourages its creators to produce “shorts” videos that are under 60 seconds, and since I’ve been doing that, the…
Read MoreIt’s Never Too Late to Start | How to Finally Reach Your Goals This Year
Many years ago when I was a book editor, I was insanely jealous of the woman who worked in the cubicle across from me. She was more talented than me! She got promoted before me! She bought a house before me! And worst of all, she was younger than me. I felt like I was…
Read MoreWhy You Should Be the Breadwinner In Your Family
One of the best parts of running your own business is that you don’t have to follow the old rules. You chose your products. You choose your work hours. And most importantly, you choose your prices. I was beyond happy to throw off the shackles from my old corporate career. No more begging for raises.…
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