Posts Tagged ‘comfort zone’
Editor’s Notebook 296
The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week New On The Blog How to Speed Read Without Forgetting Everything. It’s not about blasting through the pages, but using the information to edit your life.…
Read More5 Best Reasons to CHALLENGE YOURSELF
Do you know my clients’ favorite place to hang out? Is it Facebook? TikTok? YouTube? Maybe Starbucks or Michaels or Target? Nah, my clients may love all those online and in-person locations, but there’s one place they spend oodles of time whether they’re conscious of it or not . . . THEIR COMFORT ZONE! Maybe…
Read MoreHow to “Walk Your Talk” in Business and Life
I’m a big proponent of “walking your talk.” That is, living your life in alignment with what you believe in and actually doing the things you recommend to others. So it’s probably no surprise to you that I have my own business coach. Frankly, you should never hire a coach who doesn’t believe in coaching. Imagine…
Read More3 Ways to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone in Your Business
Running an online business is pretty incredible because you’re not tied down to the old ways of doing things. If I had started a coaching business 20 years ago, I’d be stuck paying rent for a building and have a clientele limited to the people who walk by or live locally. Now me and my…
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