Posts Tagged ‘book club’
Introducing Sage’s Pages! Watch My New YouTube Channel
A few days ago when I explained the new direction for my content, I figured there would be some hurt feelings. People like what they like, even if trying to please everyone was making my YouTube channel a jumbled-up mess . . . and causing my head to explode. That’s why it was such a surprise that most…
Read MoreWheel of TBR March 2023 | Life Editor Reading Challenge
Are you feeling lucky? Take a spin on the Wheel of TBR! I’m making a major dent in my TBR (to be read) list this year by reading 100 books in 2023. And I’ve got a secret weapon to help me out: the Life Editor Reading Challenge. The Life Editor Reading Challenge has 30 fun…
Read MoreWheel of TBR February 2023 | Life Editor Reading Challenge
Take a spin on the Wheel of TBR! I’m making a major dent in my TBR (to be read) list this year by reading 100 books in 2023. And I’ve got a nifty tool to help me out: the Life Editor Reading Challenge. The Life Editor Reading Challenge has 30 fun prompts that correspond to my 5-step…
Read MoreWheel of TBR January 2023 | Life Editor Reading Challenge
It’s a new year, and we all have new goals. One of my goals for 2023 is to make a major dent in my TBR list. A TBR list is a “Too Be Read” list, as they say in the book community on social media. I read 74 books in 2022, and that’s a little…
Read MoreMy Favorite Office Supplies. Gotta Love ’em!
OK, I’ll admit it. I’m a bit of a shopaholic. Or more specifically, an Amazon-aholic. My younger self would be blown away by the idea of accessing millions of products that could be delivered to my door the very next day. I remember my book collection being at the mercy of whatever was on the…
Read MoreJUBTIC Undated Weekly Planner Review | October Reading Journal
As you may have heard, my beloved dog Skyla recently died. Thank you very much for all the kind messages I’ve received this week. However, as I mentioned in today’s video, I will not be recording a video about her death. I have no desire to engage in performative grieving for internet strangers. Please understand that…
Read MoreEditor’s Notebook 270
The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week Book I’m currently reading: You’re no dummy, so check out this book to unlearn your biases. We’re reading this fascinating book this season in Life Editor…
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