Question of the Week: What Books Have Changed Your Life?
I love to read, and I love the way a book can transport me to another land or help me see my own world in a new way.
Just for fun, here are a few books that changed my life. I didn’t realize it until I made the list, but they’re all by female writers—yay!
The Next Thing on My List by Jill Smolinski. This novel inspired me to write my first bucket list and made me want to appreciate every moment because you never know how many moments you’ve got left.
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. This memoir is on a lot of people’s favorite books lists. It reaffirmed my belief that you can bounce back from anything, and you must make choices that are based on what’s right for you and not what other people think you should do. And yes, it made me want to eat a lot!
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne. This self-empowerment book (and movie) introduced me to the law of attraction, and I’ve been using it to bring abundance into my life ever since.
The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. Based on her wildly popular blog, Gretchen’s book continues to motivate me to change the world by changing myself. I’m a happier person for having read this book. And check out my review of the sequel, Happier at Home (it’s very good too!).
Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. Chris and I listened to the audiobooks for the entire Twilight series together, and I loved how we bonded over the story. I’m not ashamed to say that I love these books. They made me feel like I never have to give up the wonder and hopefulness that young people have. I’d rather be a happy woman who loves silly vampire romances than a cynical adult.
The Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone. I’ve been a vegetarian for 18 years, but this is the book that made me stop half-assing my beliefs and finally become a vegan 3 years ago. The peanut butter cups are to die for!
Have you ever read a book that changed your life?
In the comments below, share your favorite books.
Great list! I’ve read several of these as well, though I’m going to check out ‘The Kind Diet” and “The Next Thing…”. I haven’t heard of those yet. The book that changed my life the most was The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz. Two of the four agreements changed my whole way of thinking, (1) Don’t take anything personally, and (2) Don’t make assumptions. Amazing life lessons for me, and the book does a great job of explaining what the agreements mean.
I also really loved the Dragon Tattoo series as they sparked my love of writing again.
Hi Addison! Thanks for commenting. The Four Agreements is on my “to read” list because so many people have recommended it to me. Glad to know you loved it! I’m working on not taking things personally too, which is hard sometimes. 🙂
I agree that the Kind Diet was a really great book. I like Alicia Silverstone’s delivery of the message AND you are so right, the peanut butter cups are AMAZING! I remember the first book that I ever had a real emotional connection to was “Where The Red Fern Grows.” I read it in elementary school and omg did I weep and bawl at the end of that book. I felt such a connection to the story though… especially his hard work to get his pups and his love for them when he finally got them. It may seem odd that a children’s book is one of the ones that have changed my life but that’s when we soak up a lot of life lessons I guess 🙂
No, no, no!!! Oh Sarah, now I can’t stop thinking about Where the Red Fern Grows. Sooo sad. 🙁 *sniff sniff*
I totally agree that children’s books can change your life too. The Phantom Tollbooth is my fave children’s book, and it made me fall in love with language and word play. And the idea that your family isn’t necessarily the people related to you.