Free LEFB Webinar: How to Unclutter Your Life

Most of the time, I’m a “more is more” kind of gal.

More shoes please!

More tropical vacations!

More puppy kisses!

And definitely more chocolate cake! Mmmm…

But as a life editor, I know the value of less.

When you cut back on some of the excess in your life, you’ll have room for all of the good stuff that’s been missing.

Maybe deleting a bad job will help you start your own business.

Maybe cutting out unhealthy food will give you the energy to play with your kids.

Maybe cleaning up the clutter in your house will inspire you to invite more friends over for fun parties.

If you want to learn why less is truly more (except when it comes to cake), then you won’t want to miss this upcoming life editing event!

I’m hosting a free webinar this Thursday to help you dive deeper into Step 2 of the Life Editing Process, Delete Bad Influences.

This event is part of a series of monthly webinars to keep you motivated as you edit your life. Best of all, these webinars are FREE!

This Month’s Topic: How to Unclutter Your Life

  • Find out how to live a fuller life by having less.
  • Start clutter-busting all the areas of your life including business, career, health, money, and home.
  • Learn how to delete toxic relationships and guard your energy.
  • Ask questions, participate in polls, and speak directly to me during the live webinar.

The Details

  • Date: Thursday, May 28, 2015
  • Time: 12:00 noon Eastern time (New York)
  • Click here to convert this time to your time zone.

How to Join the Webinar

  • Purchase the Life Editing for Beginners Home Study Course.
  • Click the link in the PDF to join the private LEFB Facebook group.
  • Once you’ve been approved to join, click the link to the webinar that’s pinned at the top of the feed.

Note: This free webinar is available to anyone who has purchased the Life Editing for Beginners Home Study Course. The registration link is available in the private LEFB Facebook group, and the final recording will also be posted in the group.

Not a member of the LEFB tribe? What are you waiting for?

Join our group of more than 75 Life Editors and get the support you crave! We’ve got entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, writers, designers, bloggers, mommies, photographers, artists, coaches, and tons of other ambitious ladies sharing their best advice.

All that’s missing is you.

I can’t wait to talk with you during the webinar! Let me know in the comments if you have a topic you want me to cover in an upcoming call.

Questions about this webinar? Please send an email to