Big Changes! New Focus, New Content, New YouTube Channel, and More!

I can’t believe I’m saying this again, but things are changing around here! As I mentioned during last week’s Planning Party, I’ve been feeling unsatisfied with my YouTube content. My business-themed videos with marketing strategies that specifically apply to my clients don’t get many views, while my book review videos get 3 or 4 times as many…

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Why I Never Have a Plan B! You Must Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

When I work with a coaching client, we spend a considerable amount of time getting clear about what her dream life looks like. It’s usually several levels up from what she’s doing right now, and it’s full of hope and possibility. This is your Plan A, what you really want without limits. But many people…

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Best of Sage Grayson Life Editor 2022

It’s that time again! Get ready for my annual roundup of the best videos, blog posts, freebies, products, and services from the past 12 months. This is the most popular content on Sage Grayson Life Editor, so let’s look back at what you loved and enjoyed. What I Edited in 2022 Top Freebies Top Videos Top Livestreams…

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Stop Letting Fear Control You Forever

Many of my clients let their fears control their lives, and maybe you do too. Fear can stop us in our tracks, prevent any progress, or worse, make us backslide into old bad habits and harmful ways of thinking. But your fears are only hurting you, right? Who cares if you don’t start a business,…

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The Truth About Reaching Your Goals You’re Not Ready to Hear

I like to say that my life and business coaching comes from a place of love. It may be tough love, but it’s still love.  Occasionally, I’ll be on a call with a client who’s bemoaning her fate because she’s “doing everything right” but still not making sales. But she’s not doing everything right .…

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13 Easy Ways to Fix a Bad Day | Make Any Bad Day a Good Day

I have a small yellow sticky note stuck to my desk drawer that says, “Every day is a good day.” This tiny affirmation reminds me that there are positive things happening all around me, but I must be mindful enough to notice them. No day is completely good, and no day is completely bad, but…

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