Quiz: Are You a Superhero or a Sidekick?
Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No—it’s a quiz to determine once and for all whether you’re a bold and brawny superhero or a witty and wily sidekick. So, pull up your underwear on the outside of your pants, strap on your boots, and tie on your cape. It’s time…
Read MoreLink Roundup: Halloween Happenings
Hey there! I hope you’re having a fabulous weekend. I’m enjoying the changing leaves and Halloween decorations. Chris and I just set up our Halloween tree. It’s like a Christmas tree, but it’s black and has Halloween ornaments like It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and The Nightmare Before Christmas characters. Halloween is my second…
Read MoreHappier at Home Book Review (Video)
One of my all-time favorite self-empowerment books is Gretchen Rubin’s The Happiness Project. Based on her popular blog, The Happiness Project follows one woman’s quest for happiness without winning the lottery or moving to an ashram in India. And of course, she finds that it IS possible to be happier right where you are now.…
Read MoreLink Roundup: Winding Down Summer
I’m catching up on some of my summer to-dos this weekend. Chris and I are going to our favorite breakfast place, cruising around the farmers’ market, and taking a dip in the pool. I’m also reading Happier at Home, Gretchen Rubin’s sequel to her bestselling book, The Happiness Project. I love reading about how to…
Read MoreFreebie Week: How to Remove Toxic People From Your Life and Reason #1
It’s Freebie Week here at Sage Grayson Coaching! I’m featuring a different freebie each day and counting down the top 5 reasons why you should sign up for a free Ready, Set, Go! coaching call. Today’s Freebie: How to Remove Toxic People From Your Life The wait is over! My new ebook is here and…
Read MoreUplevel Your Business Live! Retreat: Advice, Friendship, and Dancing
What do entrepreneurs, tennis-shoe-wearing fish, and Flo Rida’s “Club Can’t Handle Me” have in common? They were all a part of Christine Kane’s Uplevel Your Business Live! Retreat! Last week, I flew to Atlanta to attend the retreat and learn more about how to kickstart my coaching business. I met dozens of fabulous women (and…
Read MoreLife Lessons From the Pacific Northwest
Do you ever have one of those vacations where you come home and feel like you need a vacation from the vacation? Yeah, I just had one of those. Don’t get me wrong—I love going on vacation. But it’s still great to return home to my family and my nice, comfy bed. Two weeks ago,…
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