Uplevel Your Business Live! Retreat: Advice, Friendship, and Dancing

What do entrepreneurs, tennis-shoe-wearing fish, and Flo Rida’s “Club Can’t Handle Me” have in common?
They were all a part of Christine Kane’s Uplevel Your Business Live! Retreat!
Last week, I flew to Atlanta to attend the retreat and learn more about how to kickstart my coaching business.
I met dozens of fabulous women (and a few men!) who all believe we can make a difference in the world through our businesses. There were life coaches, artists, consultants, health and fitness professionals, and about everything in between.
Christine kept referring to a strange metaphor in her talks. She said we need to step back and look at our businesses from an objective point of view, which can be difficult when we’re deep in our work. She compared it to a fish who puts on tennis shoes, steps out of the pond, and then looks back at the water.
I have no idea how a fish would wear tennis shoes, but I totally agree that we need to step out of our “stuff” and see the whole picture.

They played a lot of high-energy dance music at the conference to keep us pumped up and awake. The days started at 9:00 am, and we didn’t stop until after 9:00 pm!
We also had a “cue” song to let us know that the next session was about to begin. It was Flo Rida’s “Club Can’t Handle Me” and it played at least 10 times. It’s still stuck in my head a week later.
The best part was when I was selected to go onstage with Christine for an Instant Upleveling session. It was great to get her feedback on Sweet and Sage and the direction of my business.
I have new ideas, programs, and products I’m working on, and you’ll see a lot of changes in the next few weeks. I’m moving to a new domain and updating all my social media profiles.

I love Sweet and Sage, and I’ll continue to offer kind advice for everyday life. But I want to be coach who happens to blog, not a blogger who happens to coach.
By getting clear about my goals, I can better serve women who want balance and direction in their lives.
What challenges, obstacles, or issues are you facing that you would like me to discuss on my new coaching site?

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I’m sure I would help a lot of women being a coach. more over the event sounds so very much fun
Sweet!! SAge- great job- love the advice ; )
Sage, it was great to sit with you at the Gold lunch–I think your new biz name and tagline are great! Loved watching this video and revisiting the event-so much fun!
You have the rare gift of wisdom and will make a great coach. Your clients will benefit from your talent.
Thanks so much, Ally! It’s nerve-racking starting my own business, but I feel like I have a lot to offer.
Oh, I loved the “do your best & forget the rest” advice. That one is going to stick with me because it’s so true- we need to focus on what we achieve.
You’re off to such a great start and that conference looks like it was very inspiring. The dancing looks like fun!
BTW- you make some awesome videos and are very good at speaking on them!
Thanks, Molly! I want to do a lot more videos, and now I finally have the time to record them. The conference was super fun, and I was dancing like a maniac when I wasn’t filming everyone else. 🙂
Hey Sage, welcome back! It looks like you got a lot out of the conference and like you had a great time! It looks like you were surrounded by really strong, inspiring people. As far as the advice, it’s hard to choose a favorite bit, it is all so good!
Congrats to you for finishing out you day job and starting this new journey. I am so proud of you!
Thanks, Sarah! I’m glad to be back.
I’m proud of you for making the leap to WordPress. You have a lot of great ideas for blog, and I hope you continue to grow and improve. And I know you have big dreams for your personal life–you can achieve anything you want as long as you put in the effort. 🙂
Good luck with all of this Sage Grayson – I think you are awesome!
Fabulous, great work girl!
AWESOME! So lovely to meet and work with you 🙂