Too Much Junk? Pretend You’re Moving

Hey there! If you’re new here, please sign up for dozens of freebies in my Editor’s Toolkit to help you edit your life and business. Thanks for visiting!We live in a world where we’re tempted every day to fill our homes with junk—more clothes, books, gadgets, and anything else that strikes our fancy. I used…

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The Life Editor Podcast Ep. 16: Find Your Power Song

Today, I want to talk about how you can use music to give yourself unwavering confidence. Music is an essential part of my everyday life, but my musical tastes are somewhat more narrow than the average person. I only listen to bright, happy songs that in some circles is referred to as “bubblegum pop.” It’s…

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New Clubhouse Class: Procrastination Blaster!

You’re a Life Editor, and that means you’re all about getting things done. So why does it seem like you never cross anything off your massive to-do list? Why do you find yourself wasting time when you know you have projects to work on? Can your procrastination be stopped before we’re all doomed??? It’s not…

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Editor’s Notebook 77

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week #EmptyCupAwards. I don’t know why this annoys me so much, but it does. Dear Mommy Blogger. This open letter to unoriginal sponsor-dependent bloggers is raw and…

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Life Editor’s Picks: Tech Toys

I’m what they call a “late adopter.” That means I don’t immediately buy new tech toys or gadgets when they’re released. You’ll never see me camping outside the Apple store waiting to snag the newest phone. I tend to wait until most people already own whatever it is and I can’t find the chargers or…

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How to Choose Between Quality and Quantity

“I know you! You’re in here once a quarter, right?” I was at my favorite clothing store picking up a few new pieces for fall, when an attractive sales woman came up to me excitedly because she recognized me as one of her usual customers. But like she mentioned, I was only in there once…

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The Life Editor Podcast Ep. 15: Always Carry a Notebook

Today, I want to share an organizational tactic that I’ve been using for years that helps me keep track of all the things in my life when I’m on the go. After I graduated from college…a million years ago…I started working at different publishing houses editing newsletters, textbooks, and websites. I thought I was pretty…

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