This Will Be the Best Summer Ever! All-New Bundle

The best summers from my childhood involved making tons of friendship bracelets, slurping Flintstone’s Push-Pops, and playing “paint tag” at summer camp (it’s exactly what you think it is). My summers have been pretty great as an adult too because I started my business 14 summers ago!  Everything feels easygoing, hopeful, and fun in the…

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Coaching Chameleon | My Weirdest Workshop Ever!

I’ve been told that my Everything Page looks a little . . . odd. A quick glance will reveal a spooky ghost, paper dolls, a tomato timer, an alien ray gun, a baby robot, a pile of cash, a witch’s cauldron, and bunnies. Lots of bunnies. Well, things are about to get even weirder with my all-new…

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Not a Broken Neurotypical Bundle | All-New Freebies!

Yesterday was beautiful here in Los Angeles. The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and I could hear my neighbors having a pool party with all their friends. But I spent 8 hours in bed. I wish! Nope, I simply have lifelong clinical depression. My followers are often surprised when I admit that I’m stuck…

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Wellness 4 Women Bundle! 30+ Holistic Freebies

If you’re like most Life Editors, then you have massive project plans and daily to-do lists that would take an army of clones to actually finish. No matter how many appointments, meetings, and obligations you have in your schedule, I bet there’s one very important thing missing . . . YOU!  Today, I’m sharing a…

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Here’s Your Chill Pill | Free Mindful Soul Mini Bundle

As a teenager in the 1990s, I spent my days strutting around in my Spice Girls platform boots and spouting off ridiculous slang at anyone in earshot. And of course, “Take a chill pill, dude!” Thank goodness I’ve matured and stopped talking like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (mostly), but you know what? I could…

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5 Ways to Invest in the Productivity of Your Workforce

No investment business can function without great employees: a successful team of happy, motivated, and skilled individuals all working together to get things done. When a workforce bands together as a cohesive unit, amazing things can happen, and this productivity can bring unbelievable benefits to your business. But if there is even a single weak…

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Thank You Week Day 5: Intentional Weekends Workshop Freebie

It’s Day 5 of my “Thank You Week” annual celebration. Today’s freebie is Restore Your Energy With Intentional Weekends, a mini video workshop with easy ways to structure your weekends for maximum self-care, happiness, and joy. No more numbing out on the couch watching reruns! 5 Days of Freebies Continues With More Goodies! TODAY’S FREEBIE: Intentional Weekends Workshop…

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