Money Monster Mash | Thank You Week

It’s Day 7 of my “Thank You Week” annual celebration! Today’s freebie is Money Monster Mash. This all-new video workshop teaches you to dance with your money monsters—self-doubt, fear of charging more, and feeling unworthy of abundance—so that you can party with your finances. Get Ready for 8 Days of Free Video Workshops! TODAY’S FREEBIE: MONEY MONSTER…

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Face Your Fears With These Terror-ific Freebies

In honor of spooky season, I’ve been gobbling up books, movies, and other pieces of content designed to send a chill down my spine. It’s fun intentionally scaring ourselves, but what about those other unwanted demons? Maybe you’re dealing with common fears such as imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs, resistance, and self-doubt. As they say in scary…

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On-Camera Confidence! 7 Strategies for Women Coaches to Excel With Video

I’ve worked with hundreds, maybe thousands of women business owners, many of whom are coaches—life coaches, business coaches, fitness coaches, and more. And I’ve discovered there’s one marketing strategy that boosts a coach’s chance of success into the stratosphere. It’s appearing on camera! But many of my clients are terrified of showing up on camera…

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10 Ways to ELIMINATE DISTRACTIONS So You Can Get Stuff Done

You have a ton of projects to get done, but every time you sit down to work, you get distracted.  This could be from outside sources like your coworker having a loud conversation in the cubicle next to you. Or if you work from home, you might have to deal with your neighbor mowing their…

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Why I Never Have a Plan B! You Must Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

When I work with a coaching client, we spend a considerable amount of time getting clear about what her dream life looks like. It’s usually several levels up from what she’s doing right now, and it’s full of hope and possibility. This is your Plan A, what you really want without limits. But many people…

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5 Reasons to Start Your Own Business in 2023 | Say Goodbye 9-to-5

I loved many things about my old corporate job as a medical textbook editor. Using my degree, feeling like my work was making a difference, traveling to conferences. And yet, there’s a lot NOT to like about working for another company, which is why I’ve been my own boss for more than 11 years now.…

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How to Stop Waiting and START DOING

I’m a huge fan of the animated show The Simpsons. If you hang around me long enough, you’ll hear me insert random catchphrases from the show into my daily conversations. In one classic episode, the bumbling dad of the family, Homer, starts a snow plowing business. “Call Mr. Plow. That’s my name. That name again is…

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