Done Is Better Than Perfect Bundle | Freebies For Normal People!

If you decided to comb through my digital courses, it would become exceedingly clear that I am no perfectionist. But you know what? My products are out there in the world earning me money!  I’m constantly telling my clients to release their imperfect creations so the information can get into the hands of the people who…

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You Can Never Have Too Many FREEBIES! Freebie Fest Bundle

If you’ve been on following me for even a short amount of time, then you know how much I adore FREEBIES! Us Life Editors love to keep on learning and growing to become the best entrepreneurs, moms, partners, friends, and people we can be. Nothing’s better than getting something for free that actually improves a…

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Get Cozy With The Love To Be Home Bundle | All-New Freebies!

Sometimes one of my clients will show up to a coaching call feeling completely unmotivated. She’s sluggish and bored and could really use a pick-me-up. Thankfully, I’ve found a super effective way to get your mojo back no matter how burned out you’re feeling—clean up you’re environment! Now before you roll your eyes, you should…

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I’m Speaking at Streamline & Chill — Grab Your Free Spot!

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m speaking at an all-new online event that’s unlike anything you’ve seen before! The Streamline & Chill Micro Audio Summit is a FREE event for coaches and creative professionals who want to learn the secrets to make your business easier with automation and AI.  This event is a compact micro audio…

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New Live Stream | Triple Your Traffic: Get More Eyes on Your Products

We have so much to celebrate, Life Editor! We recently got more than 300 members in my client-only Facebook Group, the Life Editor Awesome Party (LEAP!). As I’m typing this, we’re almost at 375 members. Woo hoo! Purchase anything on my Everything Page to get an invitation to the group. So, we’re acknowledging this milestone by having a new…

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The Life Editor Big Bundle Is Back! Here’s What’s New

June is a special month for me because it’s my business anniversary!  As I start my 15th year as an entrepreneur, I want to say a huge THANK YOU to you lovely Life Editors. It’s because of your loyalty and support that I get to do what I love every single day. You are amazing,…

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It’s Finally Here! 300+ New Freebies in the For Your Business Bundle

You know how much I love me some freebies. Months ago, I got accepted into a massive, life-changing business bundle that completely knocks my socks off with how jam-packed it is with digital goodies. I’ve been going nuts waiting and waiting and waiting for launch day. And now it’s finally here!!! Introducing the For Your Business Bundle!…

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