Celebrating 200 Days of Daily Sales!

Today, I’m celebrating a huge achievement of mine that would have seemed like an impossible dream just a year ago . . . I completed 200 days of daily sales! That means I’ve gotten at least one sale (sometimes more than 50!) of a digital product every day for nearly 7 months, starting way back on…

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Why You Must Stop Frankenstein-ing Your Business

One of the first business coaches I worked with had this knack for inspiring her clients to step up as the professional leaders they were meant to be.  Her advice motivated me to take big action before I felt “ready” and helped me reach and maintain 6-figures before my second year in business. For the longest time, I…

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15 Budget-Friendly Tips for a Professional Looking Business

My clients are all women entrepreneurs, and I bet you are too.  So you know how important it is to look professional and experienced in your online business. But let’s be real, not everyone has a huge budget to invest in expensive tools and services. When I started my business 12 years ago, I spent…

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September Reset and Goal Plan

What a fabulous surprise to wake up to this morning—there are now more than 5000 subscribers to my YouTube channel! THANK YOU for all your support, comments, and feedback the past few months as I restructure my business. This just confirms I must be doing something right. What do you want to see next on my…

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3 Hours of Biz Coaching, No Charge! Kajabi Special

Most of my life coaching clients run their own businesses or have been dreaming about starting one for years. My greatest pleasure is helping newbie entrepreneurs design beautiful programs, simplify their marketing, and automate as much as possible so their products “sell while they sleep.” When I started my business, every day was AGONY as I juggled a…

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Why You Need a Business Budget | Best Practices for Success!

Some of my clients get discouraged when working on their businesses because they can’t see how they’ll ever reach a high level of success. It’s hard to imagine hiring employees, hosting events, or selling out a big launch when you’re still focused on just paying the bills. Money can be a touchy subject, but I force my clients to…

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