Posts Tagged ‘face your fear week’
FYFW: How to Avoid Falling Down a Worry Spiral
My clients are super passionate about what they do, and it’s this determination that often leads them down a worry spiral. That’s when you think about one potential problem, which leads to another problem, which leads to another problem, until you’re so flustered and agitated that you end up doing nothing at all. And the…
Read MoreFYFW: How to Create Boundaries With Toxic People
We all have toxic people in our lives who do everything they can to corrode our happiness. They say nasty things, double cross us, push our buttons, and lie to our faces. They’re the energy vampires, the Debbie Downers, the back stabbers, and other losers who infect your life with their nastiness. Of course, my go-to…
Read MoreFYFW: The Secret to Overcoming Failure
On no, not another failure! You put yourself out there and tried your best, but the whole thing just blew up in your face. I feel you. It stinks to fail, especially when it involves something you care about deeply such as your business, or your finances, or your relationships. Intellectually, we get it. Failure…
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