New Course! Make Money With Freebies: Give More to Earn More

Do you ever get déjà vu? Well, things are looking very familiar around here . . . Life Editor, here we go again. This month, I’m releasing 5 all-new digital courses to boost your motivation so you can achieve your big goals quickly and easily. It’s May Mojo Madness! In my defense, my goal is to have…

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Steal My 6-Figure Passive Income Plan | Get Serious About Sales Summit

When I’m working with a client, I love witnessing the magic when they flip the switch in their brain from “side hustle” to “full-time business.” There’s a profound change when you decide to stop treating your business like an expensive hobby and start actively pursuing income while nurturing your clients. Are you ready to dump your wimpy marketing…

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New Course! The 2-Day Product Producer

It’s Week 4 of “Spring Forward Fridays” a brand-new celebration to help you make progress on your biggest goals. Today’s all-new course is The 2-Day Product Producer. This high-speed, yet comprehensive, course helps you stop procrastinating on creating your next product and launch it into the world ASAP. You get more than 50 minutes total of product ideas,…

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Spring Forward Fridays! Evergreen Email Sequences For Endless Sales

It’s Week 2 of “Spring Forward Fridays” a brand-new celebration to help you make progress on your biggest goals. Today’s all-new course is Evergreen Email Sequences For Endless Sales. This comprehensive email marketing course helps you set up a value-packed evergreen email sequence that gets your customers the results they want while skyrocketing your sales. Here’s the truth:…

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How I Get Daily Sales On Autopilot | Generation Automation

You’re a busy entrepreneur who needs to make every minute count. You don’t have time for dealing with distractions, manually implementing every strategy, or staying up until the wee hours of the night finishing your work. Can’t someone else do it? YES! In fact, you can have a team of robots to do your bidding and…

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Birthday Week Freebies Day 4: 1111 Challenge for Daily Sales

It’s Day 4 of my “Birthday Week” annual celebration. Today’s freebie is the 1111 Challenge for Daily Sales. Stop waiting for sales to fall in your lap! The 1111 Challenge helps you take action by reaching out to your potential customers with irresistible flash sales. Get Ready for 5 Days of Freebies! TODAY’S FREEBIE: The 1111…

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