Entrepreneur’s Edge Bundle | All-New Freebies!

I can remember how amazing it felt when I turned in my resignation letter and quit my final corporate job as a book editor nearly 15 year ago. Yes, it was super scary choosing to be a full-time entrepreneur, but it’s also been one of the BEST decisions I’ve ever made in my life. Nothing…

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The Inbox Influencer | New Unicorn Bundle Freebies!

There are a million ways to promote your business: blogging, social media, bundles, summits, videos, podcasts, speaking events, and more. But there’s one marketing tool that’s responsible for more than 90% of my income . . . EMAILS! Yep, my email subscriber list helps me nurture my followers, promote my offers, and enjoy daily sales for…

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Simple Business Bundle | 70+ Easy Peasy Freebies!

It’s easy to get overwhelmed when running your business. There are so many options out there and tons of choices to make! That’s why I help my clients streamline wherever they can: Simplifying your projects not only makes running your biz a breeze, but you’ll feel happier and more in control of the rest of your…

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Steal My 6-Figure Passive Income Plan | Get Serious About Sales Summit

When I’m working with a client, I love witnessing the magic when they flip the switch in their brain from “side hustle” to “full-time business.” There’s a profound change when you decide to stop treating your business like an expensive hobby and start actively pursuing income while nurturing your clients. Are you ready to dump your wimpy marketing…

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How I Get Daily Sales On Autopilot | Generation Automation

You’re a busy entrepreneur who needs to make every minute count. You don’t have time for dealing with distractions, manually implementing every strategy, or staying up until the wee hours of the night finishing your work. Can’t someone else do it? YES! In fact, you can have a team of robots to do your bidding and…

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Get 45+ Freebies in the Big Business Bundle!

One the most important lessons I’ve learned from running a successful online business for nearly 14 years is that you must always be learning and growing. That’s why I’m thrilled to be featured alongside dozens of other inspiring entrepreneurs who know a thing or two about LONGEVITY AND VALUE. The Big Business Bundle is a curated…

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