Think Like a CEO Bundle | All-New Freebies!

I made a lot of mistakes during the first 6 months of my business way back in 2011. I spent most of my days sitting on the couch watching reruns and wondering why no one would hire me. In short, I had the mindset of a loser! Thankfully, I got my act together and started…

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The Self-Care Summer Bundle Is Here!

Us Life Editors are great at making lists: things to do, people to contact, stuff to buy, projects to start, goals to reach, and much more. But you know what’s always at the very bottom of our lists? OURSELVES!  It’s easy to put everyone else’s needs before our own and try to be Superwomen who can handle…

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Turn Your Passions Into Paychecks | All-New Freebies!

One of the things I love helping my clients do is grow their businesses in a way that feels in alignment with who they are and who they want to serve. (Psst! Stay tuned for a new livestream next week where I help you break all the rules for your biz.) Today, I’ve got a special…

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Faith’s Grow Together Giveaway | Plus Coaching Freebies!

Today’s your lucky day, Life Editor! I’m dishing out tons of treats to help you get organized, boost your business, and supercharge your fun as we start this second half of the year. Every few months, Faith Lee runs a giveaway event for her program participants to apply what they’ve learned and to give back to the community she…

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Let’s Celebrate! You’re Invited to Life Editor Weekend 2024

We have so much to celebrate this year, Life Editor! Throw the confetti and gimme some cake because . . . Holy moly, we deserve a party!  In honor of these BIG achievements, you’re invited to my exclusive virtual getaway for anyone who’s ready to have some fun while we get stuff done. Life Editor Weekend…

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Your Guide to an Easy Breezy Summer | All-New Freebies!

Can I be honest with you for a second? I’m not really a “summer girl.” I do love the extra hours of daylight, but a lot aspects of summer just rub me the wrong way. Basically, I’m just riding out these next few months until I can pull out my boots and sweaters to enjoy…

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Be Safe Out There! A Warning About Bundles

We’re currently having an intense discussion in my client-only Facebook group, the Life Editor Awesome Party (LEAP!), about whether it’s usual for bundles and summits to charge an entry fee to participate. Psst! Purchase anything on my Everything Page to get an invite to our private group. Here’s the deal: No, it is very unusual to charge an entry…

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