How to Own Your Worth When You’ve Lost Your Confidence

During a recent VIP Day, I was helping a client figure out the pricing for her packages. There are no hard and fast rules to determine what you should charge, but I’ve found that it can be extra difficult when you’re not feeling confident in your abilities.
You’ve got to own your worth if you want to attract clients who will value your time and expertise.
Gone are the days of getting paid “hours for dollars.” Smart entrepreneurs know that a lot more goes into their services besides the active time they’re working with a client.
For instance, my client needed to block out at least 1 hour of prep time and 1 hour of cleanup time in addition to the 3-hour session when the client would be with her.
That’s more than 5 hours total—a full day of work! And that means no wimpy pricing structure.
The last thing I want is for my clients to start resenting their clients because they don’t feel like they’re being properly compensated. So I threw out a number that was double what my client was currently charging for her beginner package.
“How does that feel?” I asked.
“Good!” she said. “It feels like what I’m worth.” She smiled, and I could tell that she got it.
Do you own your worth? Really?
If you don’t believe in yourself and your skills, you might lowball your prices in your own business or accept a lower salary if you work for someone else.
Not owning your worth creeps into your personal life too and can manifest in poor hygiene, a cluttered environment, or toxic relationships with people who take advantage of you.
Here’s how you can own your worth even if you’re lacking confidence.
In Your Business
No matter what you’re selling, you’ll attract certain customers (and repel others) based on your prices.
If you offer low prices and tons of discounts, you’ll attract bargain hunters. If you offer higher prices and fewer sales, you’ll attract people who see your services as a luxury or investment.
Again, there’s no right or wrong way to price your products and services, but take the time to think about who your ideal client is before setting your prices.
I like to choose prices that are a “stretch” but not a “splatter.” This means that I’m stretching myself out of my comfort zone in order to grow, but I’m not choosing prices that are so far out there that even I don’t believe anyone would pay them (a million dollars!!!).
In Your Job
To own your worth in your job, you really have to value yourself from the very beginning during the job interview.
Yes, I know you’re trying to impress them and want to seem eager to please, but you’re interviewing them too! Does this company seem like they respect their employees? Is there room for growth?
I encourage my clients to ask for more money when they get a new job no matter how much they’re offered. Men do this all the time, but many women lack the confidence to ask for a bigger salary. Do it! The worst that can happen is they say no, and you’re no worse off.
Another awesome way to own your worth at work is to take your time off. Don’t become a martyr who comes in early and stays late every single day and never, ever takes a vacation. You deserve your vacation days! You deserve your sick days! Taking time off gives you a chance to recharge, and it shows the company that you’re no pushover.
In Your Life
It might sound weird, but you can always tell the people who love themselves and totally own their worth. They stick out like bright, happy flowers on an otherwise dreary landscape. Tra-la-la-la-la!
They’re the ones who get dressed up even if they have no place to go, they make time for family and friends, and they resist destructive behaviors and habits.
I work from home, but you’ll never see me wearing my pajamas while sitting at my desk. I purposefully meet with my clients through Skype or Google Hangout video calls so that I have an extra incentive to blow out my hair and put on makeup.
What can you do to show the world that you care about yourself?
Maybe you can make time to enjoy a hobby. Maybe you can wear your favorite outfit just for the fun of it. Maybe you could join a Meetup group or start a club to have more chances to interact with others. Maybe you’ll finally ditch those folks who drain your energy.
You have value! Now act like it.

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I know that I was charging too low last year for certain services, but I’m struggling finding the motivation to attract clients at the rate that I’m worth. I feel like I’m just spinning my wheels every day. I am working trying to get focused.
WOW! I really needed to read this blog at this exact moment in time. I have been working from home off and on for over 15 years. It started as a part time thing to do while my ex husband worked 2nd and 3rd shift. I like having people to talk to and the extra money. A divorce and a 1600 mile move happened to a place where jobs were scarce and I couldn’t afford the gas for an hour commute for better jobs. I went back to college and started working from home 100% while I worked on my BA and MBA. As those years passed I started to care less and less about fixing my hair, putting on makeup or even bothering with nicer clothes. I wear yoga pants and tshirt. I use the excuse that no one will see me. I use the excuse that my dogs will just get me dirty. I have gained a lot of weight and have gotten to the point where I know I need to change. I am hoping that beefing up my presence on my YouTube channels will help me with the “getting ready to go to work” issue. I need to step out of my comfort zone and stop feeling like working from home is “death zone.”
If you need a YouTube accountability partner, we should talk!
Such a great reminder to value our abilities and our self worth. Too often I find myself “volunteering” my services and while it’s great to give to a good cause I think there are probably many times I should have stood up and said, “you know I could be paid for this!” Thanks for the reminder. I will be coming back to this for sure!
These are such wise words, I should bookmark this post for a daily affirmation. Thank you for sharing such profound advice.
Thanks, Kori!
This is such a great post Sage! And a really great reminder not to be afraid to charge what you are worth! I used to be afraid to charge anyone for my services because I was not confident in my ability but I’ve learned that my services are worth paying for. This is such a great reminder and you will definitely be helping a lot of people with this post! Me included!
Thanks, Sarah! It took me a while to charge what I’m worth. Little by little, I raised my prices until they felt good.
What a great reminder because I think all too often we underestimate what we are worth. And since I work from home I needed the reminder that it’s okay to get dressed up even if I have no place to go!
Yes! You definitely deserve to dress up, even if it’s just for yourself. 🙂 Thanks for commenting, Julie.
This is so true! I made a proposal recently regarding a coaching + manage social media consultant role, and threw out something big (since we both knew that I’m a noob on both aspects). While the triathlon coaching option isn’t panning out, the same monthly rate is going to cover me managing the social media side of things– essentially double or triple what I’d originally thought about!
That’s awesome, Lauren! Sometimes you just gotta put yourself out there, and trust that the right clients will pay you what you’re worth.
This is all very good advice Sage! I found I was resenting my web design business because I felt like I was working so hard and not really be compensated well enough for my time. I doubled my rates and was still getting the same amount of clients. I also firmed up my contracts and started charging for the extra work that always seems to creep into jobs sucking at your bottom line and your ambition. This also was a huge help!
Thanks, Dana. That’s a good point–many entrepreneurs end up doing little extra tasks that they forget to charge for. And good for you for doubling your prices! 🙂