How to Get Lucky at Work and Home

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
You can bet I’m wearing green today and eating a bowl of mint chocolate chip vegan ice cream. I’m not Irish, but I try to celebrate as many holidays as I can, even ones I make up myself.
I believe in having fun and not taking yourself too seriously. But you know one thing I don’t believe in? Luck.
I find that too many people use luck as an excuse to justify why some people are living the lives of their dreams while others are not.
You might think that your coworker was just lucky and that’s why she got a raise. Or you might think you’re having a string of bad luck when you gain weight.
But thinking like that makes you seem powerless in the world. And I can tell you right now that you have much more control over your circumstances than you might think.
People aren’t destined to either be lucky or not. You make your own luck.
So you just gotta ask yourself…are you feeling lucky?
Finding luck in your life is easier than you think. You just have to know where to look. Hint: It’s not at the end of a rainbow.
Here are some easy ways to get lucky (uh, not in the sexy way).
Get Grateful
My clients will tell you that I beat them over the head with the idea of practicing gratitude. Why am I such a gratitude groupie? Because it works!
When you acknowledge all the blessings you have in your life right now (even if things aren’t perfect), you put that thankful, positive energy out into the world. Call it the law of attraction or karma, but the vibes you give off will come back to you at the same frequency.
Celebrating and appreciating the lucky parts of your life (your health, family, friends, home, etc.) will attract more lucky things to you.
Open Your Eyes
Put down your phone and pry your eyes away from Facebook. The cat videos can wait! I want you to take a moment to center yourself and feel where you are in this present moment.
When you’re not in a distracted state, open your eyes and look around with the intention of finding something (anything!) positive in your life. Really believe with all your heart that there is something new and good waiting for you to notice it—and look at that! Maybe you’ll see the opportunity or brilliant idea you’ve been waiting for.
I’ll bet you’ll see something lucky you might have missed when you were busy stalking your ex online.
Work Your Butt Off
You know those lucky people you can’t stand? The ones who seem to have everything going for them and never have to struggle?
Here’s a not-so-secret secret. Those “lucky” people are just doing the things you aren’t doing. They’re practicing gratitude, looking for good things, and more importantly, they’re working their booties off behind the scenes.
You can’t just wish for happiness or piles of money or Jared Leto to magically fall out of the sky and into your lap. Mmmm…
It’s only when you take action that the universe will rise up to assist you. Some call this phenomenon “God helps those who help themselves.” If you were going to help someone, wouldn’t you be more apt to help the person taking action versus the one lounging on the couch?
Luck works the same way.
[Tweet ““I’m a greater believer in luck. The harder I work, the more I have of it.” Thomas Jefferson”]
Use Your Lucky Charms
I’m might not be chanting with crystals or dancing under the full moon like some of my more new-agey friends, but I still believe in the power of talismans and lucky charms.
Just like athletes who wear lucky socks or that photo of a loved one you always carry in your wallet, a lucky charm can give you a boost of positive energy simply because you believe it can. The mind is a powerful force, and by thinking that something will affect your luck, you unconsciously behave in a way to attract luck.
And you don’t have to stalk a leprechaun to find a lucky charm. Choose something that has meaning to you. For me, I always listen to the same song right before I have a free strategy call with a potential client.
Whether or not you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, you can make your life luckier and more joyful.
Here’s some music to help you get into a lucky mood:
In the comments below, share your thoughts on luck and what you do to create more lucky experiences in your life.
This post focuses on Step 1 of the Life Editing Process, Create a Foundation. For more about life editing and what it can do for you, click here.

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I have never thought of myself as a lucky person.
I have always thought hard work is what pays off.
Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights
What an awesome post, Sage! Your advice is always exactly what I need to hear, at the very moment that I need to hear it!
We also have mint chocolate chip ice cream (in milkshake form!) for our St. Patty’s day tradition! Yum! I also want to say, unrelated, I love the light touch of pink that you went with from your old red in the blog design. Has a crisp yet “sweet” look to it. 🙂
As for luck in business, I have had people tell me that I am lucky that I have this or that…or can work from home. When in fact we choose to have the life we want. We make sacrifices and work hard to create a lifestyle we enjoy. We have chosen to cut out a lot of unnecessary expenses that many people see as necessities. We don’t have cable or any type of non free tv provider, we use my unlimited data plan on my phone for our internet, and we are a one smart phone family. At&t comes to our house all the time to try to sell us cable, internet, or phone and I tell them we have none of these. They always have this shocked, I don’t know what to say look on their face! So all this to say, I completely agree with you here. And you are living proof of that same story. Love how hard you work and how positive you are about life!
Definitely great advice Sage! I always say that I need to tear myself away from the technology and be more present in the moment. I’ve gotten a lot better… when I was with people I would constantly be checking my phone (which is so rude and jerky of me and I definitely recognize that…) but I’ve gotten so much better and when I’m with people I focus all of my energy on them and leave my phone away. Now I just need to give MYSELF that same attention when I’m alone 🙂
Thanks as always for the great advice and Happy St. Paddy’s Day!
Great advice, Sage!
I’m definitely a believer in hard work over luck!! One thing that I’ve realized, too, is really defining what hard work is. For a long time, I thought that when I was researching, brainstorming, reading, learning, etc., that I was actually working hard. And, to an extent I was, but in reality I realized that if I want to create my own “luck” I had to redefine work for myself. And, now work means that I actually spend the time on things that will produce results!!
Thanks for this reminder.
Smart advice. We create our own luck. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Ally! 🙂