Don’t Miss the Tales From the Backend Summit
There are only a few days left until Halloween!
Sure, we all love spooky stories and silly costumes, but maybe the real horrors are showing up in your business.
- A bank account full of dust and cobwebs.
- Old mummified products in your shop that haven’t sold in centuries.
- Draining, tedious tasks that are sucking the life out of you.
Fear not, Life Editor! Today, I’m sharing an all-new event to help you battle these beastly business problems and raise your sales from the dead.
Tales From the Backend Summit is a 3-day live event for solopreneurs who want to discover creative and unusual ways to attract leads and bring in a consistent income.
You’ll get sales so fast it’s scary!

We’re covering marketing and beyond, but no outdated heard-it-a-million times strategies here.
25+ speakers will give you a behind-the-scenes peek into their favorite marketing strategies as if we’re all sitting around a campfire sharing our best marketing stories.

Don’t Miss My Session! Never Leave ‘em Hanging: Calls to Action for Scary Good Results
- How calls to action (CTAs) can influence your followers to take the next logical step on their journey with your business offers.
- Ways to avoid common mistakes with your calls to action that make your audience feel confused and directionless.
- 20 simple ideas for calls to action you can implement today to get more subscribers, boost sales, and create a memorable customer experience.
Ready to get some spook-tacular sales for your biz?
Click here to get Tales From the Backend before it disappears on October 30, 2024.

How to Double Your Income In 12 Weeks
How to make BIG money with your business faster than you ever thought possible.