Get on the Early Bird List for Life Editor Academy 2022

One of my favorite techniques I teach my clients is the “gratitude trigger.” That’s when you choose an object, color, song, or other item to trigger you to feel grateful. For years, my gratitude trigger has been birds. Whenever I’m stressed out or worried, I’ll inevitably see a bird or hear birds chirping to remind…

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4 Steps to Become the Best Version of Yourself

Becoming the best version of yourself involves stripping away thoughts, beliefs, and opinions you were taught to believe that don’t support your success. You’re capable of more than your limiting beliefs want you to believe, and with a little effort, you can be successful at any of your big goals. Here are 4 simple steps…

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You’re Not Broken, So Stop Acting Like It

I’m what you might call a “self-development junkie.” It’s like I’m magnetically drawn toward books, programs, workshops, and courses that promise to fix my problems and make life easier. And after talking with thousands of you fellow Life Editors, I know I’m not alone. 🙂 But after digesting dozens of self-help programs, I started to notice…

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Everyone Told Me I Was Wrong (But I Didn’t Listen!)

TLDR (too long, didn’t read): Guess who’s back, back again . . . When you put yourself out there and let the world see all the vulnerable bits that make up the real you . . . well, you’re bound to attract some naysayers. Ten years ago, I was surrounded by people who thought they knew…

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NEW! Check Out the Clubhouse Classes for October 2021

Happy October! This is your monthly reminder to check out all the new goodies in the Life Editor Clubhouse membership site. This month’s training will help you make positive changes even if it feels like you have no time in your schedule. Habit Change for Busy People Already a member? Login here. In This Class How habits help us…

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Can You Coach Yourself? How to Be Your Own Life Coach

Whenever you become successful at something, it attracts nitpickers and naysayers who want to poke holes in your achievement in order to make themselves (and their mediocre lives) seem better. “You lost a few pounds? It must be water weight and you’ll gain it all back.” “You paid off your house? Who cares because it’s in a…

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