Let Go With Fearless Forgiveness | All-New Course!

Feeling weighed down by anger or emotional baggage? It’s time to set yourself free! My all-new video course, Fearless Forgiveness, is here to help you let go of resentment and reclaim your peace, joy, and productivity. Forgiveness isn’t about excusing others—it’s about choosing you. Imagine what you could accomplish if you weren’t held back by frustration or…

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Sharing My Story | Join the Sparkleverse For My Exclusive Workshop

My clients have a lot of excuses when it comes to why they haven’t completed their projects or reached their goals. All of those excuses are fixable (mostly . . . sorry about the rabies!), but what about bigger excuses such as physical, mental, and emotional health problems? Shouldn’t you get a pass when you’re…

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All-New Course! One-Minute Mompreneur

The May Mojo Madness celebration is rolling along with 5 all-new digital courses to boost your motivation so you can achieve your big goals quickly and easily. If you’ve been paying attention this month, then you know I had originally planned to release “CRM From Scratch” today. But that course needs more time to cook (sorry!),…

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Busy Momma’s Biz Breakthrough | New Freebies!

One of my favorite activities is helping my clients bust through their excuses so they can reach their big goals. No matter how busy you think you are, you still have time to make progress on the projects that are most important to you. I believe in you! If you’re ready to push beyond your…

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3 Smart Time Management Schedules You MUST Try!

It’s easy to blame our misfortunes on time. You’re frustrated because you don’t have enough time to complete everything on your to-do list, so you give up and stop putting in any effort at all. I’m in a bad mood because I’ve been waiting nearly 2 YEARS (!!!) for the next season of Bridgerton, so I have to…

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Top 5 Excuses to Stay Stuck (Which One Is Yours?)

As a life and business coach, I hear a lot of excuses from my potential clients. Why they won’t start a business. Why they want to play small. Why they won’t raise their prices. Why they want to throw in the towel and hide under the covers forever. All those excuses have one thing in…

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If You’d Do It For Your Best Friend, Do It For YOU!

Let’s do a visualization exercise that I lead my clients through when they’re falling into bad habits and giving in to their excuses. Imagine your best friend (someone who doesn’t live with you) is standing at your front door. Her house just burned down, and she only has the clothes on her back. Her kids…

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