Laptop Lifestyle Giveaway | Plus Coaching Freebies!

Today, I want to introduce you to someone very special to me.  Guess who? It’s my laptop! I’d be completely lost without my laptop, and I’m incredibly thankful for how it allows me to work when I want to and where I want to. If you’re ready to take the leap and have more freedom with…

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Coaching Chameleon | My Weirdest Workshop Ever!

I’ve been told that my Everything Page looks a little . . . odd. A quick glance will reveal a spooky ghost, paper dolls, a tomato timer, an alien ray gun, a baby robot, a pile of cash, a witch’s cauldron, and bunnies. Lots of bunnies. Well, things are about to get even weirder with my all-new…

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Savvy Systems Bundle and Coaching Freebie!

I’m a big proponent of “letting the robots do the work for me.” Setting up automated emails, instant tagging, and step-by-step funnels has saved me countless hours of time in my business.  That means I have more time for my clients, my loved ones, and even myself. Self-care, imagine that! That’s why I’m beyond thrilled…

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Mentor Mamas Unlocked Summit | Business Freebies!

My clients who are business owners AND moms face the same problem . . .  How do you split your time between your business demands and your family’s needs? Today, I’ve got a treat for you if you’re ready to balance all the priorities in your busy life without burning out, screaming at your loved ones, or…

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I Reached My Goal! Celebrate With Me | Online Coaching Summit

You know how much I love setting the bar super high for myself. In fact, my “word of the year” is MORE, and I’ve been diving headfirst out of my comfort zone for months. I set a goal for myself to participate in 50 bundles and summits in 2024, and today we’re celebrating the BIG…

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Lessons From Testing My New Daily Sales Audit Call

If I had to choose the piece of advice I share with my clients the most, it would probably be about how small, incremental progress can lead to huge results. That’s the very definition of life editing! But my second most-common nugget of wisdom must be giving yourself permission to try things that may or may not…

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The Unconventional Way I Earned My First $1000

I recently had the pleasure of appearing on the Business Power Hour podcast with business superstars Faith Mariah and Bonnie Wiscombe. We spilled the beans on how we each earned our first $1000 in our businesses. My transition from corporate book editor to life coach was ROUGH! But I committed myself to doing the things that other people are…

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