Safe and Sound | The Best Compliment I Ever Received

The best compliment I ever received from a client was because of a typo. I had just gotten on a video call with my client “Anne” when she smiled and said: “I keep misspelling your name!” This was odd because I have a very simple name that’s pronounced exactly as it’s written. “What do you mean?” I asked.…

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Why Your Prices Should Scare You

In honor of Halloween season, today I’m sharing why the prices for your products and services should scare you. No matter what you’re selling, you’ll attract certain customers (and repel others) based on your prices. Remember this: You have value!  Even if you’ve never started a business or sold anything of your own before, you have…

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Editor’s Notebook 296

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy! What I’m Loving This Week New On The Blog How to Speed Read Without Forgetting Everything. It’s not about blasting through the pages, but using the information to edit your life.…

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My 3-Hour Workday—Steal My Routine!

I remember the first time I realized my workday is a lot shorter than most people. A few years ago during one of my in-person retreats, my clients were struggling with finding the time in their schedules to work on their goals. That last one made me pause. “Wait, how many hours a day do…

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On-Camera Confidence! 7 Strategies for Women Coaches to Excel With Video

I’ve worked with hundreds, maybe thousands of women business owners, many of whom are coaches—life coaches, business coaches, fitness coaches, and more. And I’ve discovered there’s one marketing strategy that boosts a coach’s chance of success into the stratosphere. It’s appearing on camera! But many of my clients are terrified of showing up on camera…

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Mastering 3 TYPES OF ATTENTION to Unlock Your Productivity

Getting stuff done without burning ourselves out is the goal of every one of my clients . . . and me too! We all know how overwhelming it can be to juggle multiple projects that all seem important and urgent. So, I’m sharing how to prioritize your daily tasks using the power of attention so…

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