Challenge: March Recap

I’ve completed Month 3 of the challenge! The goal is to read 50 books and watch 50 movies in 2012. Here’s a recap of my March progress.



Favorite Book of the Month

It’s been a busy month, so I didn’t read as many books as I was hoping to read, but the books I did read were great. My favorite was Wayne Dyer’s newest book, Wishes Fulfilled.

It’s kind of been a Wayne Dyer month!

First, I saw his inspiring PBS special on Wishes Fulfilled, then I saw him speak live at the I Can Do It! IGNITE conference, and finally, I read the book. It’s all about manifesting the things you want in life. I really like the idea that you are responsible for the way your life is and the situations in which you find yourself.

That may be depressing to some people, but it gives me hope—if I got myself into a mess, then I can get myself out of it.

Favorite Movie of the Month

I took a few liberties this month, and I’m counting a TV series as a movie (it was long enough to be several movies!). Chris and I watched all 10 hours of Game of Thrones: Season One this week in preparation for the start of Season Two.

The show is so engaging, and it’s nearly impossible to turn away—even when people are being cut apart or set on fire! I can’t wait to see more of the dragons next season.

What books and movies did you enjoy in March?

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  1. Tinfoil Tiaras on April 1, 2012 at 3:45 pm

    I’m STILL reading “The Night Circus”- it’s taking me forever to get through a book these days- just so much going on! My partner loves Game of Thrones- it’s a little too gory for me but I got him cupcakes for his b-day last year, topped with the family crests from Game of Thrones!

  2. Megan Gann on April 1, 2012 at 2:37 pm

    This month was all about the Hunger Games for me. I read all three books in three days, then went and watched the movie. I finished off another trilogy (Mercedes Lackey’s latest in her Valdemar world), and I’m getting ready to settle down with Death at a Funeral (the UK movie, since I believe there is an American movie with the same title).

    Despite my brother’s insistence I haven’t yet tackled the Game of Thrones. On the list though. One of these days.

  3. Molly on April 1, 2012 at 8:30 am

    Game of Thrones keeps advertising on my Kindle and it’s got me curious! I might just have to rent it…..