Angry People Are Not Always Wise
I love this quote because it touches on the false idea that if you’re educated or informed about the world, then you can’t possibly be happy.
Some people mistake my positivity and optimism for naiveté, but I’m not ignorant about the wars, crime, injustices, or any of the other bad things that are happening in the world.
I could spend my time being angry that people are being abused, that animal are being killed, that the polar ice caps are melting, that politicians seem more like squabbling 5 year olds…but why?
If you look for something to be angry about, you’ll always find it. Why not look for things that make you happy instead? Tweet this!
I choose to be happy every day. And one of the things that makes me happy is supporting causes and charities that are working to fix the problems that make everyone else so angry.
A wise person will recognize that this is the one precious life you get, so don’t waste it being angry.
Do you believe angry people are smarter or more informed?
In the comments below, share one thing that makes you angry and what you plan to do about it.
Are you a P&P fan too? Check out The Lizzie Bennet Diaries and Modern Mrs. Darcy.
Want to stop feeling angry and actually DO something? Click here to get a special offer on my most popular life coaching program, Motivation Makeover Month. But hurry–this special offer ends Friday, June 7, 2013.
“A wise person will recognize that this is the one precious life you get, so don’t waste it being angry.”
I love this, Sage! It’s so beautifully true!