Morning Gratitude Prayer

Here’s an interesting thought. I have a feeling that we determine whether we’ll have a good day or a bad day within just a few minutes of waking up. Really! If you can start your day off on the right foot, you’ll be more likely to stay happy for the remainder of the day. The…

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100 Ways to Change Your Life Today

Do you ever get that stuck feeling? Like you’re trying to solve a problem, but you’re not coming up with any good ideas? It can be really frustrating when you know you need to think creatively, but your mind is blocked. When I get stuck like this, I use a trick called “100 Ways to…

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DIY Weekly Weight Tracker

Like many of you, I made a new year’s resolution to lose weight and get healthy. In addition to going to the gym and planning my meals, I’m measuring my progress using a homemade Weekly Weight Tracker. I saw a project on Pinterest where someone made a weekly gratitude journal out of a deck of…

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Start With the End in Mind

There’s a great quote by the late business/productivity expert Stephen R. Covey, and I think it’s a good one now that we’re at the beginning of a new year. Here it is: “Start with the end in mind.” Ah, a bit of wisdom that is incredibly simple and direct. It’s January 1, so you might…

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