Why I Love Cold Turkey: The Benefits of Split Decisions

I admit it. I’m a vegan, and I love cold turkey. Say what??? Let me explain… When I was in high school, I grew my hair long enough so I could sit on it. What can I say? I was a weird kid. We might as well drag out the embarrassing high school picture now.…

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Summer Bucket List

For a long time, whenever anyone would ask me how I was doing, I’d always answer, “Oh, I’m so BUSY!” You probably say that a lot too. But really, I was just trying to sound important…or trying to end the conversation fast so I could get away from the other person (so bad, I know!).…

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Yoda and the Law of Attraction

So, I turned on the TV the other day, and they were showing my favorite Star Wars movie, The Empire Strikes Back. You know, the one with all the sister-kissing, Han-freezing, hand-chopping craziness. Anyhoo, it was at the part where our hero, Jedi-in-training Luke Skywalker, is learning about controlling the Force from his master, Yoda.…

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Why You Should Never, Ever Rely on Willpower

I see it all the time. My friends have great big plans for their lives. I’m talking really glorious ideas: to lose weight, travel the world, start a business, start a family, quit smoking, quit shopping, or finally organize the garage. However, despite their best intentions, they never quite reach their goals. Oh, they might…

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Ready to Kick Some Ass? Download From Lazy to Amazing!

I’m thrilled to announce the release of my first ebook—and best of all, it’s available as a FREE download! From Lazy to Amazing! 5 Easy Ways to Get Off Your Butt and Start Kicking Ass I receive comments, emails, and tweets from you every day about how difficult it is to motivate yourself. Believe me, I’ve been…

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