Easy Email Sequences | Freebie Season Workshop

My Freebie Season celebration is rolling along with 5 all-new video workshops to focus your goals, organize your projects, and feel like a true leader . . . all for free. Today’s all-new free workshop is Easy Email Sequences. Us Life Editors are all about working smarter, not harder. That’s why I insist on “letting the robots do the…

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Repurpose With Purpose | Freebie Season Workshop

My Freebie Season celebration is rolling along with 5 all-new video workshops to focus your goals, organize your projects, and feel like a true leader . . . all for free. Today’s all-new free workshop is Repurpose With Purpose. I’m calling out all you Life Editors who haven’t set up automated funnels to promote your paid offers to the people…

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New Course! Make Money With Freebies: Give More to Earn More

Do you ever get déjà vu? Well, things are looking very familiar around here . . . Life Editor, here we go again. This month, I’m releasing 5 all-new digital courses to boost your motivation so you can achieve your big goals quickly and easily. It’s May Mojo Madness! In my defense, my goal is to have…

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Spring Forward Fridays! Evergreen Email Sequences For Endless Sales

It’s Week 2 of “Spring Forward Fridays” a brand-new celebration to help you make progress on your biggest goals. Today’s all-new course is Evergreen Email Sequences For Endless Sales. This comprehensive email marketing course helps you set up a value-packed evergreen email sequence that gets your customers the results they want while skyrocketing your sales. Here’s the truth:…

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