Who’s Your Partner in Crime?

“We’re going to Comic Con!”
I love how I can blurt out random, silly plans like that and Chris will just nod his head and say, “OK.”
(By the way, Darth Vader is totally pinching my ass in this photo.)
My husband Chris is my partner in crime. A partner in crime is someone who will always join you on some crazy adventure.
A partner in crime will say things like
- “Sure, I’ll drive up the coast with you this weekend in a
stolenrented convertible!” - “Of course, I’ll help you prank the entire senior class! I’ll start filling water balloons.”
- “I have no idea how many hotdogs I can eat in a minute. Let’s find out!”
- “Scuba diving with sharks? I’m there!”
Everyone needs a partner in crime, and I challenge you to find yours.
If you don’t have one yet, get out there and start making friends. I recommend Meetup and GirlFriend Circles. You could strike up a conversation with a stranger at a coffee shop. How about meeting your blogging friends in real life? I’d love to meet you if you’re visiting the San Francisco Bay area.
You never know where potential friends could be waiting for you!
Once you’ve found your partner in crime, you’ll feel free to be yourself—as wacky and weird and you want to be! A true partner in crime will accept you, warts and all.
A word of advice: please don’t really go on a crime spree. I don’t have enough money to bail out all of my readers. Don’t make me choose!

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Partners in crime…. Todd Koleski, DArcy Campbell, Ladybug Alive.
I have to agree with Angeline, I have more than one partner in crime based on the activity. My husband is usually up for any and all of my hair brained ideas unless it involves crafting, shopping or baking. I can rely on one of my best gals for those activities. Your smile in the picture above is priceless, Darth Vader must have really gotten a hand full! 😀
Yeah, Chris isn’t really into scrapbooking. I’m on my own with that activity!
Darth Vader was totally in love with me. But then he started hologram-messaging me all the time and sending me the severed hands of his enemies tied to a dozen roses. He was just too clingy, so I had to cut him off. He became so depressed after our breakup that he went on a spree blowing up planets. Last I heard, he was crying his eyes out to Boba Fett in some cantina on Tatooine.
Love it! I think it’s good to have different partners for different crimes. I can definitely recruit Kevin for any of my wild hair ideas, but I also have my friend Cari (though now 3,000 miles away) for random cooking and baking adventures. Why did we spend hours making too much baklava on a random Sunday? Because we can!
I love this idea! Multiple partners for multiple crimes. I think that’s a good outlook. You can’t expect a single friend to be everything you need. That’s a lot of pressure.
Endless cooking on a lazy Sunday seems like the perfect activity for partners in crime.
Hahaha that’s hilarious about Darth Vader! He seems like a butt pincher, doesn’t he 😉
You are so right about a partner in crime. I have one, but he lives far away from me. When we are together we are up for anything, but usually end up doing nothing. And that is just the way we like it 🙂 We’ve gone on our adventures though and it’s always a good time.
I need to work on finding someone close to me though. While I tend to be a homebody it would be nice to have someone that will go somewhere on a whim with me. I’ll have to make that happen 🙂
In addition to blowing up planets and choking people with his mind, Darth Vader is also wanted in 3 star systems for criminal butt pinching. 🙂
I’d like to find more partners in crime around me. I’m on the lookout for new friends, but I get so caught up in my own stuff sometimes.
I wish we didn’t live on different coasts! I’d be your partner in crime in a heartbeat.
Aww I know, I bet we’d have so much fun! I’m still hoping to do my 30th birthday California road trip in 2013 so we’ll definitely have to be partner’s in crime for some adventures when I get to NorCal! 🙂
My partner in crime is Mike, as I’m sure you could guess. It sounds like you have the same great relationship with Chris that we have. 🙂
I think marrying your partner in crime is a very good idea. 🙂
Sage advice. PIC’s encourage us to reach for our dreams, just by their presence.
Due to crushing work-demands, I fell behind a few days in following your blog. Now, after seeing you ogled by Darth Vader and George Lukas, I’m caught up.
Sorry to hear you’re so busy at work, Ally. I (unfortunately) know how that goes. No worries about getting behind on your blog reading–that’s what weekends are for!
Eventually, my blog will become nothing but Star Wars references. Just wait, you’ll see…
Hee! Awesome. My husband used to be that person, my whole group of friends used to be those people. I came up with some wild ideas. Now that most of us are “poor college students” and are scattered across the US, it’s become less feasible. However! I did find a partner in crime in Lynne of Practical Paralegalism who’s going to see Frankenstein with me! She’s driving to Nashville anyway and decided to add on a day to meet up and hang out!
Yea! I saw that you found a buddy to go with you to see Frankenstein. I’d love to meet some of my blogger friends in real life. I travel a lot for work, but I never seem to end up where my friends live. 🙁
BTW, I’m really looking forward to getting the buttonflowers! I’ll send you pictures when I get them.
I’m super excited and very lucky that Lynne is making the trip. I live near no one either, so it’s always been a far off dream to meet another blogger.
Yes! I got the buttonflowers in the mail this afternoon. Hopefully they will reach you quickly. I mailed them in a card-size envelope so look for that.