Hey there! I'm Sage Grayson.

I'm a former book editor turned life coach. I help ambitious women edit their habits, routines, and mindsets to balance their happiness at work and home.

I'm a Life Editor . . . and so are you!

Please enjoy this collection of my best free workshops to help you edit your life and business. Choose a topic below, enter your name and email, and start watching!

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How to Double Your Income in 12 Weeks

✅ How to make BIG money with your business faster than you ever thought possible.

✅ How to dump the old ways of marketing and embrace a new paradigm.

✅ How to gain financial freedom on your own terms so you can quit your day job or double your income.

3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar

3 Simple Steps to Become a Productivity Superstar

Dump your excuses, transform your habits, and become the most productive person you know.

In this free workshop, you'll learn:

  • The secret to staying motivated to do your work, even when it gets hard.
  • The biggest mistake people make when planning their time.
  • #1 reason you’re not reaching your goals. (But this is totally fixable!)
How to Run a Successful Online Business In Just 1 Hour Per Day

How to Run a Successful Online Business In Just
1 Hour Per Day

Take control of your time, streamline your systems, and attract your most likely buyers.

In this free workshop, you'll learn:

  • The secret to getting your work done faster. It’s free too!
  • The crucial step most entrepreneurs skip, causing them to lose out on easy money.
  • The biggest leap of faith you must take to grow a successful online business.