Editor’s Notebook 160

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!

What I’m Loving This Week

My journey to thank all the people responsible for my morning coffee. A gratitude adventure from one of my favorite authors.

Why I Decided to Turn My TBR List Inside Out. A fun way to stop obsessing over the books you’ve been avoiding.

Do Not Fall in Love with a Smart, Introverted Man. A few of my clients have gone through tough breakups recently, and this article helps articulate the confusion you might feel when someone is finished with you.

Are You Stubborn and Optimistic? One Study Says It Could Be the Key to a Long Life. Proof that I’m going to live forever.

The 1 Practice That Makes Work Way Better. Gratitude and appreciation makes everything easier.

Why Not Working Makes Us Feel Guilty. Take time to relax and you’ll be more productive later on.

Want to Enjoy More of Your Holiday Season? Remove These 10 Things. Spending money won’t make you happier. Delete your old obligations!

7 Tips to Avoid Holiday Burnout This Season. Stick to a routine and don’t neglect your self-care.

The One Question That Helped Me Declutter My Closet (Hint: It’s Not ‘Does It Spark Joy?’). I’ve also tweaked the KonMari Method for my lifestyle. When was the last time you edited your wardrobe?

The Pinnacle Of The Harry Potter Franchise. Finally! Someone made a perfect argument why Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is the best movie in the series. It’s always been my favorite.

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