Editor’s Notebook 9

The Editor’s Notebook is my place to share the things I’m loving this week and other random links that have caught my eye. Enjoy!

What I’m Loving This Week

4 Ways to Avoid Procrastination Today! These drawings are hilarious, but there’s some good advice here too like setting up a reward system.

16 Care Packages That Any College Kid Would Love. I send quarterly care packages to my LEAP coaching clients, and I’m totally going to steal some of these cute care package ideas.

Putting Off Some Horrible Task? Try These 7 Tips. As usual, Gretchen Rubin has all the answers. Now get to work!

10 Wardrobe Staples You Won’t Regret Splurging On (a Little). How many of these do you own? Fall’s a perfect time to edit your wardrobe.

The Meditation Diet. I love the idea of balancing your meditation with short, long, weekly, annual, etc. meditation habits.

15 Office Design Tricks That Will Increase Your Productivity at Work. Love this! I just bought a new pink floor lamp for my office, and it’s made a world of difference.

12 Comebacks for Dealing with Rude People. Great things to say to stand in your power without resorting to the classic, “Go fuck yourself.” Although you could say that too.

If September is the New January, These are the Books for You. I love snuggling up with a stack of self-development books in the fall.

23 Ingenious Ways To Work Smarter, Not Harder. Brilliant! Especially “pretend you’re about to go on vacation.”

Cockatoo Feeds the Dogs. Make it rain!

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  1. Sarah @ Long Island Nerd on September 14, 2014 at 8:25 am

    I love love love this series so much. You always share the best links. The procrastination cartoon is cute and I’m excited to read about the care packages because I love giving fun gifts and am always up for new ideas. I also can’t wait to ready about dealing with rude people (although I really am a big fan of the “GFY” comeback ;)).

    Hope all is well and thanks again for the links!

    • Sage Grayson on September 14, 2014 at 8:28 am

      Thanks for stopping by, Sarah! 🙂 So…what kind of procrastinator are you? I’m a List Maker all the way.

      • Sarah @ Long Island Nerd on September 14, 2014 at 2:12 pm

        I’m right there with you! 100% a list maker. Although I may go to a whole new level and be the “I’m going to DIY my own stationary to make my lists” procrastinator 😉